Thank you for your business! You have acquired one of the finest sound suppressors on the market today. This booklet is designed to alert you to safety concerns specific to suppressors and give instructions for their use and maintenance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

  1. Treat all firearms as if they were loaded.
  2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are on-target and ready to shoot.
  3. Never point the firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy.
  4. Be aware of your target and what is beyond it.

Suppressed firearms may be quieter, but they are just as deadly... Don't get complacent because they go “FSST” instead of “BOOM.”


Completely unload firearm using both visual and tactile verification before installing or removing the suppressor. Ensure the firearm's bore is not obstructed. Look through the breech end; not the muzzle end!

Installation of a suppressor depends on having proper muzzle threads. Please consult our thread specs at TBAC.ME/THREADS before continuing, to make sure your rifle is set up correctly to accept a suppressor.

Look through the “bore” of the suppressor to make sure it is not obstructed. You should see a complete circle with no debris or obstructions. If there is an obstruction do not use the suppressor; contact the manufacturer immediately.

Examine the muzzle threads, the suppressor threads, and the brake threads (if applicable) to ensure they are clean and free of debris.

For Direct-Thread (DT) configuration suppressors

With the suppressor aligned to the host firearm's bore, gently screw the suppressor clockwise until the threads catch. Take care to not cross-thread the suppressor. Do not force the suppressor while starting the threads. Never force threads!

Threading the suppressor on the muzzle should only require light finger pressure. If you start to feel resistance, stop immediately and call us for further assistance. The suppressor should be tightened until the rear of the suppressor bottoms out on the shoulder behind the muzzle threads. Tighten using hand force only. Do not over-tighten.

For Brake-Mount suppressors (CB, BA, SR series)

Install the muzzle brake per the instructions included in the plastic muzzle brake packaging. The same instructions are included on the last page of this instruction booklet.

To install the suppressor on the TBAC muzzle device, first ensure the inner suppressor threads are clean and clear of debris, along with the external brake threads. The conical “shoulder” on the brake and the corresponding female surface on the suppressor should be clean as well. Place the suppressor over the mount, ensure it’s straight with respect to the brake and barrel, and then screw it on the threads. Make sure you haven’t cross-threaded the suppressor on the brake. Continue screwing the suppressor onto the brake until it bottoms out completely on the brake shoulder and nothing is between the brake shoulder and the suppressor inner shoulder surface.

SR Series Suppressors

For suppressors with the SR (Secondary Retention) mount, ensure the SR collar is in the fully “UNLOCKED” position before mounting the suppressor, and move the SR collar as far to the “LOCKED” position as possible after the suppressor is fully screwed onto the brake.

For more information on the SR mount, please refer to TBAC.ME/SR


If a thermal cover is used, install the suppressor on the brake with the thermal cover NOT COVERING the rear of the suppressor. Sometimes the rear “collar” of the thermal cover can get stuck between the brake and suppressor and prevent the suppressor from going all the way on the brake. This is likely to cause baffle strikes. Apply the final tightening twist of the suppressor with a firm grasp directly on the suppressor body, not through the cover, as it will slip.


Look through the breech end of the barrel, through the bore and through the suppressor. You should see the bore of the suppressor perfectly concentric within the barrel's bore. If you do not see a full circular view through the suppressor or suppressor's bore is not perfectly concentric with the barrel's bore, do not fire the weapon – serious injury or death may result; contact us immediately.




While shooting, periodically check that the suppressor remains tight. The threads will stretch and “break in” during the initial use. During the first 20 rounds, check often to make sure it is tight.

WARNING: The sound suppressor turns sound into heat. It may get very hot after firing even a few rounds. Never touch the suppressor without first determining if it is a safe temperature.


For cleaning and maintenance, please refer to our Technical Notes and Frequently Asked Questions at TBAC.ME/FAQ


Please refer to the terms of our warranty at TBAC.ME/TERMS Please note the warranty does not cover damage caused to the suppressor by a muzzle thread configuration that does not conform to the specifications, or improper installation.

Once you receive your suppressor, please register your warranty online at TBAC.ME/REG


Other terms and conditions of sale are detailed at TBAC.ME/TERMS


The CB, BA, and SR series of brakes must be timed using the included peel washer. The objective is to mount the brake so that the narrower “flat” is on the top and the engraving on the front of the brake is right-side up

The included peel washer has layers that are 0.002” thick. These layers can be removed one by one to set the correct washer thickness by heating up one side of the washer with a lighter, small torch, or kitchen match, and using a razor blade to peel back the layer. Be careful to not burn or cut your fingers.

Remove layers from the peel washer until the brake screws on using hand pressure to within 1/16th of a turn (22 degrees). Remove brake and apply thread locking compound to the muzzle threads (Red/Permanent or High-Temperature Red/Permanent recommended). Thread the brake back on and use an adjustable wrench on the flats to torque the brake into its final position.

Flash hiders for CB or SR series do not have to be timed, but you “may” time them for tine alignment if you wish.

If you need assistance, please call the shop at 307-287-2052.


Please refer to the web address TBAC.ME for a list of quick-links to the most common technical and end-user resources, including the “MyTBAC” user portal, installation and technical videos, Thread Specification print, Warranty, Tech Notes and Frequently Asked Questions, and more.