This is an annual event starting in 2023. Here are links to the other years' results. 2023 SILENCER SUMMIT 2024 SILENCER SUMMIT
The "2024 SILENCER SUMMIT" was a sound testing event that took place August 19-23, 2024 at TBAC's indoor test facility in Cheyenne, WY.
The purpose of the event was manifold:
(1) to test as many silencers as possible in one place at one time with the exact same setup;
(2) to share sound-testing best practices and train additional people on the PULSE;
This event was organized by TBAC and was open to all interested silencer manufacturers. TBAC was the host, scientific equipment operator, did the post-analysis, and wrote this report. Representatives from the following companies/organizations were present: Abel, Aero Precision, Allen Engineering, Boss Silencers, B&T, Diligent Defense, Ecco Machine, Elite Iron, Dead Air, Otter Creek, Energetic Armament, Griffin Armament, Innovative Arms, PTR, Radical Defense, TBAC, YHM, Allen Arms, Silencer Central, StingerWorx, Tion, W.T.F. Silencers, Hansohn Brothers. Reps from B&K (HBK) and GRAS equipment were also present.
Approximately 365 gun/silencer combinations were tested over the five days. The bulk of the testing was on a bolt-action .308 and a Daniel Defense 16" AR-15 5.56, and a 16.5" bolt-action .22LR, although there were some pistol cans tested on 9mm and some other oddball hosts.
For each test, all shots were recorded on the three microphones and all waveform files were saved. These waveform files were used in post-analysis to determine the following parameters for each mic position: peak pressure (Pa), peak pressure (dB), peak pressure (dBA), Impulse (Pa*ms), Impulse (dB*ms), and Leq(10ms) dBA.
The scope of the reporting contains:
(1) the tables in this HTML document, which are dynamically sortable on all columns;
(2) the "GRAPH" links on the far-right in the tables below have a link to a separate page
that contains a plot for each shot, for each mic, for each metric (pressure, impulse, and Leq) for a total of 45 graphs per test run
(3) a .CSV file that can be easily imported into a spreadsheet for your own sorting;
(4) a Dropbox link to an archive file (ie, .tar.gz) of the entire dataset as output by the PULSE. This dataset is approximately 4.5 GB once compressed.
The dataset archive file includes the saved waveform files for every shot in the tables below. This means that if there's some other analysis you want to do to the waveforms, you're welcome to run it and analyze it yourself.
At the bottom of this page is a link to the "process_string.m" Octave function that was used to generate the values in the tables from the waveform files.
a. Equipment i. DAQ: B&K LanXI 3052-A-3/0 1. Sampling Rate: 262k ii. Microphones: B&K 4944-B iii. Calibrator: B&K 4231 b. Microphone Locations: see Figure 1.
For 2024, we built a fixed firing fixture to remove the shooter's head and torso from being in the path from the sound sources to the mics. This fixture also made the weapon position more consistent shot to shot. See Figure 0A and 0B.
In 2024, we changed mic position around a little bit. We got rid of 225 and moved that one to milspec-right (MR). For shooter's ear (SE), we used a constant location located off of a fixed point on the firing fixture (but not connected to it) instead of being relative to the shooter's head.
Data was obtained inside of the TBAC Barn with approximate setup and bullet trap location, see Figure 2.
a. Peak – The maximum value in the curve, applies to Pa, dB and dBA
b. LEQ – Leq is a "sound energy metric" – Leq defines an equivalent constant sound energy for a fluctuating curve. It is calculated by averaging the SPL (sound pressure level) over the defined time frame and then converting that value to decibels. The LEQ curve becomes a time average sound level. In our case we are using Leq(10ms) dBA so the window for each Leq (dBA) value is a 10msec SPL average.
c. Impulse – Obtained using the Euler method where area under the curve is calculated by multiplying the value and the time interval, applies to Pa*ms and dB*ms
d. Pa-dB conversion – 20*log(Pa/Po) where Po=2e-5 Pa (Pascal equivalent of 1dB)
d. dB vs dBA – In this document, dB is used to refer to unweighted dB. dBA is used to refer to A-weighted dB.
Testing was done indoors and outdoors to verify that peak, impulse, and Leq values representing the gunshots were not affected by the walls, ceiling, and bullet trap. In these plots, and all the plots in this data set, the triggering mic triggers at 50 ms (0.050 seconds), hence they all "start at .05" on the plots.
In the instantaneous pressure plot above, the ground reflection can be seen in both the indoor and outdoor plots at approx 0.057 sec. Sound travels at approx 1100 ft/sec. The diagonal distance from the muzzle to the ground and back up to the microphone is 11'. The straight-line distance from the muzzle to the mic is 3.28'. By subtracting the straight-line distance from the diagonal distance and then dividing by the speed of sound, we get (11’-3.28’)/(1100 ft/sec) = 0.007 seconds (7 msec), which is consistent with the time the ground reflection shows up on the graph. The 0.007 seconds is the time it takes for the reflection to get to the triggering mic after the initial blast hits the triggering mic.
The intensity of the ground reflection is affected by the ground composition, i.e., concrete will reflect more energy than sand. In this case the compacted dirt outside reflected more of the pressure wave than the sand floor of the indoor testing.
The reflections from the walls show up just before 0.075 seconds in Figure 3 above. The wall reflections are also clearly visible in the Impulse and Leq figures below (Figures 4 and 5). On the impulse plot, there are oscillations similar to those in the pressure plot above. On the Leq plot, the reflections show up as a higher equivalent sound level (Leq) when they come back to the mic position.
Note in the Leq plot, the ground reflection on the outdoor plot is a higher intensity than the ground reflection on the inside plot because the composition of the outdoor "ground" is more reflective (compacted dirt vs. sand).
In summary, for unsuppressed shots, from the above data, we can see that a window of approx 0 to 75 msec would be sufficient to accurately capture peak pressure, Impulse, and Leq(10ms) dBA in our barn, other than the varying influence of ground composition.
The various reflection events of the indoor and outdoor plots are harder to identify and differentiate when shooting suppressed. The suppressor extends the pressure-release time which causes the ground reflections to be lost in the noise of the event-- in other words, the time it takes for the muzzle report from the suppressor is long enough that the reflections from the ground also reach the mic while the initial pressure release at the muzzle is still happening (in many cases).
For peak pressure, the analysis is still simple: the entire waveform is evaluated in the search for the peak pressure. From the unsuppressed plots we know that the wall reflections occur at approx 75 msec. In Figure 6, the pressure has substantially decayed by this point and it's clear the peak pressure happens sometime before 0.065 sec. Thus, the reflections are coming back to the mic at least 10 msec after the pressure peak occurs. The 338 Ultra was chosen for this demonstration because it should represent a "worst case" in terms of retaining pressure longer (due to its volume and the gas volume and pressure of 338LM).
In contrast to the somewhat chaotic looking pressure plots (Figure 6), the wall reflections are still easy to identify in the Impulse and Leq plots. Figures 7 and 8 show that an analysis window can be set to still find the maximum values of Impulse and Leq without those values being affected by wall reflections.
In Figure 7 (IMPULSE), the large negative curve and the second positive curve of the impulse calculation is due to noise in the base waveform being integrated. The analysis window for impulse only needs to be long enough to include the first positive portion and its return to zero (at approx 0.058 sec). Impulse plots used throughout various industries are typically truncated once they cross zero on the way down the first time. To achieve this for the impulse calculation, an initial window was set from 0 - 75 msec. The window was then dynamically adjusted for each waveform by finding the minimum value of impulse from 0 - 75 msec; this is known as the "trough." The end of the impulse analysis window was then adjusted to the trough before the maximum value was found.
For Leq, specifically Leq(10ms) dBA, the data analysis window was set at +0.025 sec after the shot, or 75 msec. This coincides with the time we have already determined that reflections come back. In Figure 9, it is clear that wall reflections start contributing to the Leq value at about 0.080 (80 msec), so we still capture the maximum Leq value of the gunshot with this window.
Also note that the Leq graph from approx 0.055 to 0.070 is higher for the outside plot primarily because of increased ground reflection.
Testing indoors does have the advantage of reducing the influence of weather on the test data, primarily wind. Once wind velocities reach 5 mph data obtained outside can be affected. If you think of wading upstream vs downstream the current has a direct affect on how difficult or easy it is to walk. Wind has the same effect on pressure data i.e. wind blowing from the mic to the muzzle will cause the data to be arbitrarily lower and vice versa.
The sound data when using the fixture is "cleaner" for the SE location as the reflections from the shooter's head are removed.
By analyzing unsuppressed and suppressed gunshot data from indoors and outdoors, we determined that accurately finding peak pressure, Impulse, and Leq(10ms) dBA was possible by windowing the data to avoid the reflections by demonstrating that the peak or maximum value from the gunshot itself (and associated gun noise in the case of semi-autos) always occurred before the reflections returned to the mics.
The following tables are broken out by combinations of "suppressor caliber" and "cartridge and host." For example, the first table named ".223 caliber suppressors shooting cartridge: 5.56" are -- unsurprisingly -- all the .223 caliber suppressors shooting 5.56 ammunition from our 5.56 host. BA means bolt action. SUB means subsonic. AR means AR-15 rifle type.
The following results are grouped so that the tests done on the same host/cartridge are together.
In the column headers, "ML", "MR", and "SE" refer to mic positions. ML is milspec-left. MR is milspec-right. SE is "shooter's ear".
The tables are responsive, so you can click on any column header to sort by that field.
This is best viewed on a wide monitor. You can also zoom out in your browser (usually "Control MINUS").
COLUMN ABBREVIATIONS: "Imp" = Impulse. "Leq" is Leq(10ms). "Pa" is Pressure in Pa. "wt" is weight (oz) as tested. "length" is length (in) as tested. "vol.m" is the volume of the suppressor assuming it is a perfect cylinder, ie, 0.785 * maxdia^2 * length.
Typos are possible. If you find a typo, plese email us using the contact info at the bottom of this page.
** NOTE **
Shooter's Ear (SE) numbers are compromised on this host due to a rifle-related harmonic that affected some, but not all, of the SE numbers.
Please see our discussion in the FAQ section.
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
AAC | Element 3 | .22 | .22LR-BA | 113.1 | 121.13 | 113.65 | 97.09 | 98.93 | 122.00 | 112.60 | 97.08 | 99.34 | 120.63 | 116.53 | 93.57 | 103.69 | 5 | 5.4 | 5.1 | 1.11 | 4.93 | GRAPHS |
AAC | Halcyon | .22 | .22LR-BA | 115.0 | 121.52 | 114.63 | 93.16 | 99.35 | 121.08 | 115.40 | 93.24 | 99.80 | 119.69 | 117.19 | 97.35 | 104.11 | 5 | 6.4 | 5.29 | 1.12 | 5.21 | GRAPHS |
Abel | PI | .22 | .22LR-BA | 114.7 | 119.48 | 115.31 | 90.13 | 96.66 | 120.10 | 114.16 | 89.19 | 97.21 | 119.46 | 115.46 | 92.92 | 103.15 | 5 | 6.5 | 5.50 | 1.0 | 4.32 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-Tiger22lr | .22 | .22LR-BA | 118.2 | 123.23 | 118.50 | 90.39 | 97.80 | 124.13 | 117.96 | 93.44 | 98.63 | 126.76 | 121.93 | 96.98 | 104.48 | 5 | 4.6 | 6 | 1.18 | 6.56 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | El Jefe | .22 | .22LR-BA | 114.6 | 120.73 | 115.19 | 94.56 | 97.72 | 121.08 | 114.07 | 93.95 | 98.45 | 127.90 | 122.94 | 96.59 | 105.58 | 5 | 5.4 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 3.93 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish 22 | .22 | .22LR-BA | 112.2 | 119.20 | 112.03 | 95.13 | 97.21 | 121.33 | 112.42 | 91.84 | 98.47 | 127.96 | 122.08 | 96.95 | 104.85 | 5 | 4.9 | 5.44 | 1.00 | 4.27 | GRAPHS |
Bare Muzzle | Bare 22LR | .22 | .22LR-BA | 141.3 | 147.18 | 141.03 | 116.11 | 118.99 | 147.50 | 141.57 | 116.78 | 119.37 | 140.22 | 133.49 | 108.70 | 118.02 | 5 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Mask | .22 | .22LR-BA | 116.1 | 120.79 | 115.67 | 88.95 | 98.39 | 121.82 | 116.56 | 85.70 | 99.61 | 129.13 | 123.90 | 90.99 | 105.76 | 5 | 6.7 | 5.12 | 1.07 | 4.60 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | Road Hunter | .22 | .22LR-BA | 116.4 | 122.13 | 116.56 | 91.15 | 99.34 | 121.65 | 116.30 | 87.03 | 99.32 | 125.03 | 120.08 | 94.27 | 104.44 | 5 | 4.5 | 5.15 | 1.07 | 4.63 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Ocelot | .22 | .22LR-BA | 118.4 | 123.57 | 118.67 | 88.66 | 99.94 | 123.85 | 118.16 | 88.14 | 100.66 | 129.82 | 125.17 | 98.60 | 107.25 | 5 | 4.2 | 5.5 | 1.0 | 4.32 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Ocelot Micro | .22 | .22LR-BA | 118.6 | 124.82 | 119.04 | 99.60 | 101.50 | 125.32 | 118.24 | 98.89 | 101.55 | 129.76 | 123.87 | 98.16 | 106.00 | 5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 1.0 | 2.75 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Salamander | .22 | .22LR-BA | 119.5 | 124.36 | 119.35 | 94.58 | 99.47 | 125.06 | 119.62 | 97.40 | 101.12 | 130.21 | 124.35 | 97.64 | 106.26 | 5 | 2.8 | 5.25 | .75 | 2.32 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Echo Lite | .22 | .22LR-BA | 119.0 | 123.08 | 118.41 | 94.08 | 98.73 | 124.47 | 119.61 | 94.21 | 100.25 | 124.44 | 119.54 | 94.33 | 105.21 | 5 | 5.5 | 6.01 | 1.02 | 4.91 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | NYX 22LR | .22 | .22LR-BA | 116.7 | 121.40 | 116.57 | 92.05 | 99.13 | 121.35 | 116.73 | 91.39 | 99.43 | 126.97 | 121.73 | 97.04 | 104.95 | 5 | 3.8 | 5.56 | 1.0 | 4.36 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | NYX MOD2 22LR Full Length | .22 | .22LR-BA | 117.8 | 122.13 | 118.07 | 86.35 | 99.19 | 122.43 | 117.50 | 92.24 | 99.39 | 125.92 | 120.56 | 96.76 | 105.07 | 5 | 4.4 | 6.56 | 1.0 | 5.15 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | NYX MOD2 22LR Short | .22 | .22LR-BA | 120.4 | 128.76 | 120.68 | 101.48 | 103.81 | 129.39 | 120.14 | 101.36 | 103.50 | 129.14 | 122.71 | 95.28 | 106.21 | 5 | 2.6 | 3.75 | 1.0 | 2.94 | GRAPHS |
FPM | FPM-22 Full Length | .22 | .22LR-BA | 118.2 | 124.03 | 118.60 | 88.72 | 99.29 | 124.33 | 117.75 | 93.67 | 99.66 | 131.29 | 125.81 | 98.85 | 107.17 | 5 | 3.6 | 7.0 | 1.0 | 5.50 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Slingshot | .22 | .22LR-BA | 114.1 | 123.51 | 113.90 | 97.78 | 99.14 | 122.60 | 114.24 | 98.48 | 100.68 | 130.16 | 125.46 | 100.42 | 106.77 | 5 | 6.3 | 4.58 | 1.11 | 4.43 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Slingshot Micro TI | .22 | .22LR-BA | 117.7 | 125.70 | 118.01 | 94.65 | 101.20 | 126.62 | 117.40 | 98.16 | 101.53 | 128.24 | 123.76 | 98.23 | 105.66 | 5 | 4.9 | 3.93 | 1.11 | 3.80 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Titanium | .22 | .22LR-BA | 119.0 | 124.46 | 119.40 | 91.68 | 98.34 | 124.60 | 118.67 | 89.29 | 99.49 | 128.60 | 123.08 | 97.46 | 106.03 | 5 | 4 | 5.17 | 1.07 | 4.65 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Oculus Long | .22 | .22LR-BA | 117.2 | 122.79 | 117.77 | 86.08 | 97.41 | 123.20 | 116.63 | 90.50 | 97.75 | 122.22 | 117.07 | 94.76 | 103.60 | 5 | 7.1 | 5.3 | 1.07 | 4.76 | GRAPHS |
Silencer Co | Switchback Normal Long | .22 | .22LR-BA | 116.1 | 122.41 | 115.80 | 88.25 | 96.96 | 122.68 | 116.39 | 88.38 | 98.27 | 122.49 | 117.57 | 96.65 | 104.35 | 5 | 6.4 | 5.75 | 1.07 | 5.17 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | 22 Take Down | .22 | .22LR-BA | 116.0 | 121.32 | 116.63 | 92.14 | 97.16 | 120.71 | 115.41 | 82.44 | 97.51 | 127.04 | 121.92 | 96.57 | 104.49 | 5 | 5.8 | 5.6 | .99 | 4.31 | GRAPHS |
TION | Minuteman TI Pistol Config | .22 | .22LR-BA | 117.5 | 121.29 | 116.76 | 92.87 | 98.84 | 122.06 | 118.21 | 92.25 | 99.63 | 125.91 | 120.64 | 97.79 | 105.40 | 5 | 4.1 | 6.0 | 1.06 | 5.29 | GRAPHS |
TION | Minuteman TI Rifle Config | .22 | .22LR-BA | 115.8 | 121.15 | 115.98 | 94.25 | 98.25 | 121.52 | 115.68 | 88.39 | 99.24 | 123.56 | 119.12 | 93.53 | 105.07 | 5 | 4.1 | 6.0 | 1.06 | 5.29 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Phantom .22 | .22 | .22LR-BA | 116.6 | 119.75 | 116.70 | 93.31 | 97.86 | 120.72 | 116.55 | 94.36 | 99.08 | 120.80 | 117.78 | 94.21 | 104.46 | 5 | 4.9 | 5.44 | 1.12 | 5.36 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | IASW | .22 | .22LR-Integral-SA | 116.8 | 119.97 | 116.61 | 95.95 | 102.36 | 121.87 | 117.08 | 94.97 | 103.55 | 132.56 | 125.67 | 105.48 | 111.04 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Abel | Pi | .22 | .22LR-PS | 115.2 | 119.92 | 114.17 | 100.07 | 101.26 | 123.83 | 116.24 | 99.65 | 102.57 | 125.53 | 119.19 | 103.74 | 106.56 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Abel | Pi MK4 | .22 | .22LR-PS | 113.4 | 125.52 | 112.11 | 101.29 | 98.78 | 120.65 | 114.72 | 100.22 | 100.11 | 125.04 | 117.85 | 94.70 | 104.49 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Elite Iron | Echo Lite | .22 | .22LR-PS | 116.9 | 124.50 | 117.07 | 103.19 | 103.67 | 124.12 | 116.70 | 103.28 | 104.49 | 128.51 | 120.19 | 105.17 | 107.18 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
TBAC | 22 Take Down | .22 | .22LR-PS | 116.5 | 120.61 | 115.58 | 102.31 | 102.41 | 124.30 | 117.52 | 103.56 | 103.34 | 130.72 | 122.40 | 105.41 | 107.12 | 5 | 5.6 | .99 | 4.31 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM2 | .223 | 5.56-11.5AR | 143.6 | 148.34 | 142.72 | 133.32 | 127.23 | 150.13 | 144.57 | 134.47 | 128.83 | 147.98 | 142.75 | 129.42 | 128.75 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Allen Engineering | AEM3 | .223 | 5.56-11.5AR | 143.2 | 148.09 | 142.06 | 129.54 | 126.03 | 150.12 | 144.25 | 130.67 | 127.04 | 147.74 | 141.93 | 127.34 | 128.15 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Allen Engineering | AEM4 | .223 | 5.56-11.5AR | 143.1 | 148.03 | 141.76 | 123.03 | 123.95 | 150.10 | 144.35 | 124.10 | 125.65 | 148.65 | 142.67 | 125.36 | 127.87 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM5 | .223 | 5.56-12.5AR | 135.4 | 142.31 | 134.10 | 121.86 | 121.74 | 143.79 | 136.66 | 123.49 | 123.88 | 146.08 | 137.01 | 125.32 | 126.16 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM4 | .223 | 5.56-14.5AR | 137.4 | 143.01 | 133.80 | 123.49 | 121.33 | 147.01 | 141.04 | 125.48 | 125.21 | 148.83 | 140.68 | 125.42 | 127.14 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Allen Engineering | AEM5 | .223 | 5.56-14.5AR | 136.7 | 143.40 | 134.25 | 122.24 | 122.00 | 144.34 | 139.20 | 124.74 | 124.54 | 145.93 | 139.02 | 123.35 | 126.19 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
AAC | 416-SD | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 136.4 | 144.29 | 135.56 | 125.08 | 123.03 | 142.90 | 137.32 | 125.56 | 123.66 | 148.86 | 139.82 | 128.83 | 128.46 | 5 | 23.5 | 7.08 | 1.50 | 12.51 | GRAPHS |
AB | A-10 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.1 | 147.60 | 138.55 | 126.13 | 126.68 | 147.65 | 139.59 | 128.24 | 127.88 | 151.20 | 142.56 | 128.94 | 130.96 | 5 | 9.8 | 5.67 | 1.62 | 11.68 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Biscuit 5.56 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 138.9 | 146.25 | 138.57 | 125.19 | 123.78 | 146.17 | 139.26 | 126.53 | 125.42 | 149.43 | 139.99 | 128.34 | 128.88 | 5 | 18.3 | 5.88 | 1.85 | 15.80 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Biscuit S 5.56 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 141.8 | 148.75 | 141.98 | 130.02 | 127.08 | 148.99 | 141.63 | 130.26 | 127.86 | 151.08 | 141.58 | 129.07 | 129.01 | 5 | 15.7 | 5.03 | 1.85 | 13.51 | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM5 OTB | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 135.4 | 142.12 | 134.22 | 121.11 | 121.64 | 143.58 | 136.61 | 124.39 | 123.80 | 149.89 | 138.98 | 128.62 | 128.79 | 5 | 23.6 | 8.97 | 1.50 | 15.84 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556ROTEX-K | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 146.1 | 150.77 | 145.82 | 136.46 | 130.94 | 151.64 | 146.41 | 136.83 | 131.96 | 150.00 | 140.19 | 129.70 | 130.06 | 5 | 11.4 | 4.8 | 1.56 | 9.17 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556ROTEX-K PRINT X H SC | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 141.5 | 147.63 | 140.86 | 128.24 | 125.48 | 147.78 | 142.14 | 129.13 | 127.10 | 149.59 | 139.22 | 130.73 | 128.47 | 5 | 13.1 | 5.10 | 1.75 | 12.26 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556Rotex | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 135.2 | 141.93 | 133.62 | 118.27 | 120.58 | 143.29 | 136.81 | 123.26 | 123.55 | 149.74 | 142.61 | 128.13 | 130.49 | 5 | 15.2 | 7.08 | 1.56 | 13.53 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556Rotex-C | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 138.3 | 145.75 | 137.65 | 124.92 | 124.28 | 146.27 | 138.86 | 126.20 | 125.87 | 149.64 | 142.04 | 128.51 | 130.57 | 5 | 13.6 | 6.30 | 1.56 | 12.04 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556SRBS | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 136.4 | 142.13 | 135.60 | 125.42 | 121.47 | 142.55 | 137.12 | 125.69 | 123.18 | 149.17 | 139.22 | 128.10 | 126.70 | 5 | 18 | 7.40 | 1.70 | 16.79 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556SRBS PRINT X H | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 136.0 | 141.11 | 134.31 | 125.18 | 120.49 | 142.64 | 137.62 | 125.57 | 123.26 | 148.45 | 138.75 | 128.87 | 126.39 | 5 | 17.3 | 8.16 | 1.75 | 19.62 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-556SRBS-C | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 143.0 | 150.66 | 142.98 | 132.23 | 128.28 | 150.37 | 143.08 | 132.81 | 128.91 | 149.58 | 139.48 | 130.04 | 128.85 | 5 | 15.3 | 5.82 | 1.72 | 13.52 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Guillotine | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 137.7 | 145.45 | 137.94 | 121.79 | 122.84 | 145.05 | 137.40 | 124.03 | 123.96 | 148.94 | 139.47 | 127.20 | 127.26 | 5 | 12.0 | 6.13 | 1.5 | 10.83 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish 223 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 132.8 | 138.85 | 131.14 | 119.60 | 118.01 | 140.51 | 134.36 | 123.81 | 121.31 | 148.72 | 142.06 | 126.39 | 129.66 | 5 | 11.7 | 7 | 1.5 | 12.36 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish Speed K | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 142.1 | 149.78 | 141.00 | 134.75 | 128.83 | 151.58 | 143.22 | 135.26 | 130.04 | 149.13 | 138.85 | 131.12 | 127.64 | 5 | 18.6 | 4.13 | 2 | 12.97 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish Speed K-TI | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 141.2 | 148.55 | 140.62 | 132.66 | 127.85 | 150.04 | 141.85 | 132.97 | 128.87 | 149.70 | 139.97 | 129.61 | 127.42 | 5 | 8.9 | 4.13 | 2 | 12.97 | GRAPHS |
Bare Muzzle | Bare 16in 5.56 AR | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 167.0 | 170.22 | 166.97 | 150.58 | 149.05 | 170.49 | 166.96 | 150.94 | 148.66 | 160.72 | 156.29 | 142.65 | 142.92 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
C.A.T | Alleycat 5.56 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.7 | 146.26 | 139.31 | 128.09 | 124.63 | 147.19 | 140.15 | 128.59 | 125.94 | 150.24 | 140.54 | 128.59 | 127.28 | 5 | 9.8 | 6.12 | 1.59 | 12.15 | GRAPHS |
CGS | SCI-Six | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 136.1 | 141.49 | 135.18 | 120.26 | 121.80 | 143.28 | 136.92 | 124.67 | 123.83 | 149.10 | 138.73 | 128.47 | 128.28 | 5 | 19.6 | 6.50 | 1.67 | 14.23 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Sierra 5 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 143.7 | 149.05 | 143.69 | 126.70 | 128.53 | 148.72 | 143.77 | 128.09 | 129.52 | 149.79 | 142.84 | 128.89 | 131.63 | 5 | 14.8 | 5.77 | 1.50 | 10.19 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Five By Five | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.1 | 145.17 | 138.52 | 123.77 | 125.47 | 144.92 | 139.76 | 125.42 | 126.75 | 148.38 | 138.49 | 127.28 | 127.49 | 5 | 16.3 | 5.5 | 1.56 | 10.51 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Delta Lite | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 133.4 | 139.93 | 132.79 | 118.93 | 119.21 | 141.80 | 133.99 | 124.03 | 122.49 | 150.16 | 142.46 | 128.23 | 130.07 | 5 | 12.2 | 7.47 | 1.52 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Ferox | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 142.4 | 148.93 | 142.32 | 133.64 | 128.50 | 150.38 | 142.47 | 133.98 | 129.91 | 148.64 | 139.92 | 128.75 | 127.25 | 5 | 12.4 | 6 | 1.5 | 10.60 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Cheeze Boi | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 134.2 | 140.22 | 132.14 | 121.08 | 119.82 | 143.10 | 136.35 | 124.34 | 122.26 | 148.61 | 140.49 | 127.32 | 129.13 | 5 | 10.7 | 6.75 | 1.56 | 12.90 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | GP5 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 138.4 | 145.66 | 137.96 | 129.34 | 125.20 | 146.80 | 138.92 | 129.73 | 127.06 | 149.57 | 140.34 | 128.75 | 129.96 | 5 | 11.6 | 6.28 | 1.50 | 11.09 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | HRT 556 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.9 | 146.58 | 138.82 | 125.28 | 126.37 | 147.68 | 140.91 | 128.19 | 128.10 | 150.58 | 143.41 | 128.96 | 131.13 | 5 | 18.7 | 6.32 | 1.53 | 11.61 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | M4SD-L | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 137.8 | 145.34 | 137.03 | 125.01 | 124.29 | 146.06 | 138.56 | 128.24 | 125.58 | 149.83 | 142.79 | 128.52 | 130.55 | 5 | 16.7 | 6.51 | 1.53 | 11.96 | GRAPHS |
Huxwrx | Flow 556 Ti | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 140.1 | 145.71 | 140.23 | 125.26 | 122.70 | 145.81 | 139.92 | 125.81 | 124.08 | 149.80 | 140.77 | 128.60 | 126.91 | 5 | 13.7 | 6.91 | 1.80 | 17.57 | GRAPHS |
Huxwrx | Flow 556K | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 145.9 | 149.88 | 145.62 | 132.91 | 128.59 | 150.34 | 146.23 | 133.20 | 129.67 | 150.50 | 140.56 | 131.41 | 127.72 | 5 | 15.5 | 5.68 | 1.62 | 11.70 | GRAPHS |
Huxwrx | Ventum 556 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 135.2 | 142.77 | 133.13 | 122.69 | 121.04 | 145.10 | 137.30 | 124.82 | 123.26 | 149.54 | 138.89 | 128.45 | 126.86 | 5 | 17.7 | 7.47 | 1.76 | 18.16 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Grunt 5 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 138.8 | 145.25 | 139.12 | 124.16 | 124.29 | 146.36 | 138.46 | 127.39 | 125.90 | 150.25 | 144.01 | 128.49 | 131.10 | 5 | 17.7 | 6.24 | 1.58 | 12.23 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Grunt-M | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.7 | 146.88 | 139.31 | 126.08 | 126.31 | 147.04 | 140.09 | 127.32 | 126.89 | 149.57 | 142.02 | 128.77 | 130.23 | 5 | 14.2 | 5.00 | 1.58 | 9.80 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Duty 556 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.4 | 146.53 | 139.00 | 127.82 | 125.24 | 145.73 | 139.84 | 128.23 | 126.09 | 150.00 | 141.32 | 129.66 | 129.92 | 5 | 12.3 | 5.25 | 1.74 | 12.48 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Torch | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.8 | 148.12 | 139.37 | 129.76 | 126.42 | 146.51 | 140.14 | 129.90 | 126.80 | 150.10 | 141.41 | 128.48 | 128.24 | 5 | 18.4 | 7.21 | 1.74 | 17.14 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | OCM5 Muzzle Mount | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 133.6 | 140.63 | 132.01 | 120.14 | 119.96 | 142.96 | 135.16 | 124.49 | 122.36 | 149.84 | 141.66 | 128.02 | 129.42 | 5 | 18.9 | 8.96 | 1.5 | 15.83 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | OCM5 OTB | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 133.8 | 140.32 | 132.58 | 120.69 | 120.52 | 142.36 | 134.93 | 124.64 | 122.83 | 149.17 | 141.93 | 128.34 | 129.91 | 5 | 18.2 | 9.16 | 1.5 | 16.18 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Polonium 5.56 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 135.4 | 141.88 | 133.39 | 123.71 | 121.73 | 144.73 | 137.42 | 127.25 | 123.86 | 149.35 | 140.14 | 128.50 | 129.93 | 5 | 14.5 | 6.15 | 1.61 | 12.51 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Polonium K 5.56 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 142.6 | 147.57 | 141.98 | 130.67 | 126.62 | 148.52 | 143.26 | 131.16 | 128.03 | 150.04 | 139.75 | 129.07 | 129.25 | 5 | 12.3 | 5.13 | 1.61 | 10.44 | GRAPHS |
PTR | VSM3 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 134.5 | 139.54 | 132.52 | 125.03 | 117.45 | 140.99 | 136.50 | 126.38 | 121.24 | 150.90 | 140.33 | 128.41 | 127.11 | 5 | 13.6 | 8.07 | 1.62 | 16.63 | GRAPHS |
RD | BT-556GPS | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 140.4 | 146.20 | 139.87 | 130.65 | 125.89 | 147.24 | 140.90 | 131.22 | 126.59 | 149.70 | 141.00 | 127.85 | 126.14 | 5 | 28 | 8 | 1.75 | 19.23 | GRAPHS |
RD | CS5 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 138.3 | 145.16 | 137.96 | 126.57 | 123.30 | 145.34 | 138.64 | 127.46 | 125.24 | 149.00 | 139.20 | 128.53 | 126.56 | 5 | 21.7 | 5.88 | 1.7 | 13.34 | GRAPHS |
RD | LS5TI | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 134.9 | 141.04 | 134.28 | 120.20 | 119.20 | 142.35 | 135.55 | 124.45 | 122.07 | 147.78 | 137.01 | 127.26 | 125.95 | 5 | 18.9 | 7.75 | 1.7 | 17.58 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Razor 5.56mm | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 141.9 | 146.63 | 141.65 | 131.14 | 126.46 | 147.23 | 142.23 | 131.24 | 127.49 | 151.16 | 141.51 | 129.04 | 129.04 | 5 | 15.3 | 6.69 | 1.49 | 11.66 | GRAPHS |
Silencer Co | Velos LBP 5.56 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 140.7 | 145.20 | 140.26 | 128.24 | 125.41 | 145.60 | 141.18 | 128.54 | 126.36 | 148.31 | 138.14 | 128.71 | 126.41 | 5 | 22.6 | 6.99 | 1.74 | 16.61 | GRAPHS |
Surefire | Socom 5.56-RC2 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 137.8 | 144.08 | 137.28 | 126.25 | 124.32 | 145.62 | 138.38 | 126.67 | 125.43 | 149.63 | 140.81 | 129.02 | 128.55 | 5 | 19.2 | 6.50 | 1.50 | 11.48 | GRAPHS |
Surefire | Socom 556 RC3 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 142.6 | 147.72 | 142.29 | 131.44 | 127.68 | 147.95 | 142.82 | 132.48 | 128.70 | 150.85 | 142.14 | 129.66 | 128.56 | 5 | 20.2 | 6.45 | 1.5 | 11.39 | GRAPHS |
TION | Dragoon 5.56mm QD | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 134.2 | 140.18 | 132.25 | 121.68 | 120.66 | 141.69 | 136.14 | 125.15 | 122.85 | 149.82 | 141.33 | 128.19 | 130.08 | 5 | 12.0 | 7.62 | 1.38 | 11.39 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Jackalope .224 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 143.3 | 148.75 | 142.63 | 127.29 | 126.74 | 149.39 | 143.93 | 127.76 | 127.68 | 149.97 | 141.00 | 128.23 | 128.66 | 5 | 14.7 | 7.63 | 1.48 | 13.12 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Fat Cat | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 139.1 | 147.25 | 139.28 | 128.55 | 126.17 | 148.22 | 138.94 | 129.18 | 127.44 | 147.92 | 138.73 | 128.78 | 128.03 | 5 | 14.6 | 4.5 | 1.88 | 12.49 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Turbo K-RB | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 143.1 | 148.49 | 141.56 | 131.97 | 128.47 | 151.89 | 144.62 | 132.80 | 130.49 | 148.29 | 140.75 | 128.71 | 128.23 | 5 | 15.6 | 5.88 | 1.5 | 10.39 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Turbo T3 | .223 | 5.56-16AR | 141.1 | 150.08 | 141.46 | 129.13 | 127.73 | 147.99 | 140.76 | 129.62 | 128.39 | 148.10 | 138.51 | 127.61 | 128.08 | 5 | 17.5 | 1.88 | 1.5 | 3.32 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
B&T | MK12 Gen 1 | .223 | 5.56-MK12AR | 136.6 | 140.61 | 133.31 | 117.34 | 119.89 | 144.28 | 139.85 | 121.64 | 123.87 | 147.45 | 140.29 | 122.38 | 127.75 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Jackalope | .280 | 5.56-16AR | 137.7 | 144.83 | 136.69 | 125.99 | 124.16 | 146.65 | 138.68 | 126.68 | 125.82 | 147.56 | 138.26 | 127.28 | 127.47 | 5 | 15.7 | 7.88 | 1.48 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Jackalope .280 | .280 | 6.5GREN-20AR | 138.6 | 144.80 | 137.45 | 124.05 | 123.31 | 145.94 | 139.83 | 124.39 | 124.86 | 145.07 | 138.77 | 122.42 | 128.09 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
AAC | SDN-6 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.1 | 136.44 | 129.21 | 113.93 | 114.80 | 139.22 | 132.96 | 119.32 | 118.16 | 145.17 | 136.33 | 122.75 | 125.06 | 5 | 24.2 | 7.60 | 1.50 | 13.42 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Theorem-L | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.3 | 128.84 | 122.98 | 108.80 | 110.55 | 138.16 | 131.57 | 117.64 | 116.56 | 146.86 | 138.50 | 123.63 | 126.02 | 5 | 16.9 | 8.79 | 1.75 | 21.13 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Theorem-S | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 134.8 | 140.14 | 133.34 | 120.34 | 118.36 | 141.90 | 136.18 | 123.16 | 120.74 | 147.36 | 137.90 | 124.03 | 125.73 | 5 | 10.5 | 5.81 | 1.75 | 13.97 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.6 | 139.88 | 129.98 | 117.66 | 116.41 | 140.62 | 133.21 | 121.91 | 119.14 | 146.70 | 136.34 | 123.06 | 124.30 | 5 | 17.4 | 6.13 | 1.59 | 12.17 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30K | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 134.7 | 143.75 | 133.51 | 122.94 | 120.30 | 144.87 | 135.96 | 124.71 | 121.74 | 148.12 | 138.03 | 123.79 | 125.56 | 5 | 14.4 | 5.10 | 1.58 | 9.99 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30L | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.9 | 130.24 | 123.54 | 106.85 | 111.70 | 137.82 | 132.20 | 117.01 | 117.56 | 146.53 | 136.68 | 122.92 | 124.96 | 5 | 21.6 | 7.64 | 1.58 | 14.97 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-762Rotex | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 128.6 | 132.11 | 126.06 | 110.11 | 112.75 | 135.56 | 131.21 | 116.57 | 116.59 | 146.68 | 136.20 | 122.44 | 124.44 | 5 | 17.7 | 8.35 | 1.56 | 15.95 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SRBS762TI-DM | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 130.5 | 136.63 | 127.87 | 117.06 | 114.74 | 139.34 | 133.12 | 121.18 | 118.07 | 145.36 | 137.57 | 123.17 | 123.98 | 5 | 10.8 | 7.50 | 1.72 | 17.42 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Chairman | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.4 | 136.69 | 127.94 | 113.63 | 114.58 | 141.54 | 134.91 | 121.16 | 119.48 | 147.18 | 138.14 | 125.24 | 126.35 | 5 | 16.5 | 8.06 | 1.48 | 13.86 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Chairman K | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 139.2 | 145.02 | 138.51 | 118.67 | 119.12 | 145.78 | 139.83 | 123.36 | 121.77 | 147.58 | 139.49 | 125.21 | 125.89 | 5 | 13.1 | 6.08 | 1.49 | 10.60 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | BUCK 30 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.1 | 133.41 | 124.69 | 113.31 | 112.85 | 138.55 | 133.53 | 118.84 | 117.88 | 145.81 | 136.20 | 122.99 | 125.20 | 5 | 14.9 | 7.16 | 1.55 | 13.50 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish 30 GOLD | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 126.5 | 128.53 | 120.30 | 108.20 | 109.31 | 137.07 | 132.68 | 115.90 | 116.33 | 146.53 | 134.91 | 122.75 | 124.99 | 5 | 14.6 | 8.28 | 1.6 | 16.64 | GRAPHS |
Bare Muzzle | 300 BO SUB Bare Muzzle | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 156.7 | 160.90 | 156.56 | 137.49 | 136.50 | 161.14 | 156.81 | 138.06 | 136.82 | 153.40 | 148.13 | 130.86 | 131.50 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomad LTi XC | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 128.3 | 135.37 | 125.88 | 110.42 | 111.51 | 137.19 | 130.64 | 115.89 | 116.46 | 144.88 | 135.75 | 123.17 | 124.37 | 5 | 11.6 | 8.47 | 1.76 | 20.60 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomad Ti XC | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.6 | 135.49 | 127.29 | 111.56 | 112.95 | 139.50 | 131.99 | 116.93 | 117.55 | 147.81 | 138.13 | 123.26 | 124.47 | 5 | 9.2 | 6.69 | 1.76 | 16.27 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | Enticer LTI | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 126.5 | 126.46 | 121.23 | 104.89 | 110.13 | 136.46 | 131.81 | 114.19 | 115.74 | 145.93 | 136.25 | 122.54 | 124.81 | 5 | 10.5 | 8.53 | 1.61 | 17.36 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | Enticer STI | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.2 | 134.20 | 125.20 | 112.07 | 113.29 | 137.84 | 133.16 | 118.04 | 117.60 | 148.63 | 137.05 | 122.54 | 125.66 | 5 | 8.6 | 7.03 | 1.61 | 14.30 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter 8in | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.6 | 127.04 | 121.18 | 106.15 | 110.58 | 138.39 | 133.99 | 117.72 | 118.13 | 148.22 | 140.23 | 125.44 | 127.33 | 5 | 15 | 8.41 | 1.6 | 16.90 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter 9in | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.1 | 125.42 | 121.53 | 104.22 | 109.39 | 137.16 | 132.73 | 115.25 | 116.36 | 147.79 | 136.60 | 123.94 | 125.17 | 5 | 23.8 | 9.49 | 1.6 | 19.07 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Valkyrie | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 130.9 | 135.74 | 128.00 | 112.33 | 113.97 | 138.07 | 133.71 | 118.63 | 118.58 | 146.60 | 136.71 | 123.97 | 125.86 | 5 | 15.8 | 6.66 | 1.49 | 11.61 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite .30 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 130.3 | 134.79 | 126.66 | 113.32 | 114.51 | 139.43 | 133.93 | 119.04 | 118.54 | 145.54 | 136.68 | 122.85 | 124.80 | 5 | 15.5 | 6.95 | 1.78 | 17.29 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Peak 30 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 132.9 | 140.06 | 130.67 | 119.04 | 117.86 | 140.91 | 135.12 | 122.37 | 120.34 | 147.65 | 135.56 | 124.70 | 125.84 | 5 | 12.5 | 6.56 | 1.55 | 12.37 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Dirty Dachshund | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 128.4 | 128.52 | 123.23 | 110.13 | 111.37 | 138.31 | 133.57 | 118.04 | 117.72 | 147.51 | 137.95 | 124.45 | 126.64 | 5 | 12.2 | 8.62 | 1.6 | 17.32 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | Dual-Lok 7.62mm | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.7 | 135.91 | 126.45 | 114.56 | 114.48 | 139.82 | 132.87 | 119.33 | 118.07 | 146.52 | 137.78 | 123.28 | 125.03 | 5 | 16.5 | 7.50 | 1.53 | 13.78 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | GP7 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 128.3 | 133.99 | 125.11 | 114.57 | 113.16 | 139.00 | 131.55 | 120.35 | 117.70 | 146.47 | 137.55 | 123.57 | 124.77 | 5 | 13.1 | 7.29 | 1.50 | 12.88 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | Sportsman Ultra Light HD | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.9 | 137.64 | 128.01 | 115.38 | 115.38 | 139.33 | 131.87 | 120.17 | 118.44 | 146.68 | 137.04 | 123.39 | 124.92 | 5 | 13.4 | 6.94 | 1.52 | 12.59 | GRAPHS |
Huxwrx | Flow 762 Ti | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 136.5 | 140.99 | 134.60 | 119.06 | 116.09 | 144.28 | 138.36 | 122.41 | 120.09 | 146.01 | 137.59 | 123.79 | 124.78 | 5 | 15 | 6.90 | 1.81 | 17.74 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Deception | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 130.2 | 136.12 | 127.61 | 114.85 | 114.62 | 139.35 | 132.81 | 120.16 | 118.73 | 146.16 | 136.38 | 122.54 | 124.47 | 5 | 23.1 | 7.57 | 1.59 | 15.02 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-K2 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 135.7 | 139.76 | 133.87 | 118.92 | 117.43 | 142.40 | 137.60 | 122.22 | 120.49 | 147.33 | 136.63 | 123.19 | 124.66 | 5 | 12.7 | 5.70 | 1.74 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-L2 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.9 | 126.33 | 123.02 | 104.63 | 108.44 | 136.75 | 132.76 | 115.16 | 116.11 | 145.60 | 135.62 | 122.67 | 124.44 | 5 | 20.2 | 9.28 | 1.74 | 22.06 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-S2 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 128.8 | 131.89 | 122.80 | 112.43 | 111.74 | 138.29 | 134.90 | 118.87 | 118.42 | 147.18 | 137.64 | 124.33 | 125.85 | 5 | 15.2 | 7.04 | 1.74 | 16.73 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Hydrogen-L | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 126.4 | 124.37 | 120.94 | 106.17 | 109.20 | 136.98 | 131.79 | 116.48 | 117.01 | 146.27 | 137.52 | 124.70 | 126.68 | 5 | 13.8 | 9.54 | 1.61 | 19.41 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Polonium-30 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.4 | 137.84 | 128.62 | 118.51 | 114.75 | 140.81 | 134.20 | 122.71 | 119.38 | 146.76 | 137.20 | 123.59 | 125.21 | 5 | 15.9 | 6.3 | 1.61 | 12.82 | GRAPHS |
PTR | VSM1 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 125.2 | 122.69 | 119.46 | 108.30 | 107.73 | 136.81 | 130.95 | 117.01 | 115.81 | 146.81 | 137.46 | 124.04 | 124.53 | 5 | 15 | 9.09 | 1.74 | 21.60 | GRAPHS |
Q | Trash Panda | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 130.8 | 134.30 | 128.25 | 114.95 | 113.57 | 139.33 | 133.40 | 120.66 | 118.39 | 146.05 | 137.53 | 123.54 | 124.35 | 5 | 13.5 | 7.11 | 1.74 | 16.90 | GRAPHS |
RD | CS3TI | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 136.9 | 143.84 | 136.63 | 119.71 | 118.94 | 143.55 | 137.15 | 123.39 | 121.34 | 148.18 | 136.59 | 124.98 | 125.36 | 5 | 15.8 | 5.88 | 1.75 | 14.14 | GRAPHS |
RD | LS3 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.4 | 133.36 | 124.98 | 112.48 | 111.87 | 139.50 | 133.77 | 120.07 | 118.56 | 147.00 | 137.55 | 125.59 | 126.46 | 5 | 22.9 | 8.26 | 1.6 | 16.60 | GRAPHS |
RD | SASSTI | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 138.8 | 144.11 | 138.75 | 119.47 | 121.28 | 144.10 | 138.82 | 122.00 | 122.67 | 146.58 | 136.78 | 124.80 | 125.24 | 5 | 19.9 | 8.51 | 1.74 | 20.23 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | 300 Venom | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.0 | 132.35 | 123.45 | 110.74 | 111.85 | 135.57 | 130.46 | 116.96 | 115.99 | 144.93 | 135.71 | 121.79 | 124.43 | 5 | 16.3 | 9.06 | 1.75 | 21.78 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 135.4 | 140.07 | 135.28 | 115.26 | 116.23 | 141.46 | 135.62 | 118.15 | 118.87 | 144.01 | 136.31 | 122.82 | 123.99 | 5 | 14.2 | 8.64 | 1.62 | 17.80 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB with Mini Brake | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.2 | 136.67 | 129.69 | 114.58 | 114.12 | 138.14 | 132.78 | 119.24 | 118.12 | 145.13 | 135.57 | 122.38 | 123.49 | 5 | 15 | 9.59 | 1.62 | 19.76 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus .30 CB | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 125.4 | 123.07 | 119.03 | 105.47 | 109.16 | 136.15 | 131.75 | 115.09 | 115.64 | 144.71 | 136.87 | 122.41 | 125.05 | 5 | 17.3 | 8.99 | 1.8 | 22.87 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus S .30 CB | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.7 | 138.07 | 129.93 | 114.02 | 115.58 | 140.91 | 133.41 | 118.67 | 118.97 | 146.73 | 137.19 | 123.83 | 126.22 | 5 | 13.8 | 6.87 | 1.8 | 17.47 | GRAPHS |
TION | Dragoon 7.62mm CQB | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 130.2 | 136.66 | 126.76 | 116.99 | 115.42 | 139.22 | 133.68 | 121.57 | 119.28 | 145.19 | 134.85 | 123.52 | 125.14 | 5 | 12.4 | 7.66 | 1.38 | 11.45 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Jackalope | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.4 | 138.08 | 129.41 | 116.49 | 115.99 | 140.10 | 133.43 | 119.85 | 119.33 | 147.63 | 137.80 | 124.61 | 125.92 | 5 | 16.3 | 7.83 | 1.48 | 13.46 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Resonator R2 | .30 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 126.8 | 129.23 | 121.93 | 107.95 | 111.13 | 136.78 | 131.59 | 115.81 | 116.01 | 144.60 | 136.92 | 122.15 | 124.63 | 5 | 19.3 | 8.25 | 1.56 | 15.76 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Dominus J Rattler | .30 | .300BO-RAT-110 | 150.0 | 154.47 | 149.81 | 138.48 | 133.94 | 155.36 | 150.15 | 139.00 | 134.49 | 152.65 | 146.31 | 135.97 | 133.91 | 5 | 1.8 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Dominus J Rattler | .30 | .300BO-RAT-220 | 147.2 | 153.56 | 147.40 | 129.99 | 129.60 | 153.64 | 146.91 | 131.00 | 129.74 | 148.93 | 143.57 | 127.97 | 128.36 | 5 | 1.8 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
B&T | APC300SD | .30 | .300BO-SUBS-Integral | 134.8 | 140.68 | 134.54 | 115.91 | 118.06 | 142.07 | 135.00 | 116.14 | 117.88 | 137.86 | 131.22 | 112.07 | 118.58 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
AAC | SDN-6 | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.3 | 148.02 | 140.10 | 129.52 | 129.11 | 148.15 | 140.43 | 129.99 | 129.76 | 138.12 | 131.04 | 118.87 | 120.60 | 5 | 24.3 | 7.59 | 1.5 | 13.41 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Biscuit 30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 149.2 | 154.88 | 148.93 | 134.16 | 132.56 | 153.93 | 149.42 | 134.61 | 133.37 | 144.30 | 136.55 | 123.38 | 124.38 | 5 | 18.3 | 5.72 | 1.85 | 15.37 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Biscuit S 30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 154.8 | 158.86 | 154.78 | 137.86 | 136.52 | 159.11 | 154.77 | 138.85 | 137.11 | 147.23 | 141.55 | 127.20 | 127.88 | 5 | 15.4 | 4.87 | 1.85 | 13.08 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Theorem-L | .30 | .308-20BA | 134.2 | 140.65 | 133.65 | 117.12 | 121.29 | 141.81 | 134.73 | 117.53 | 121.98 | 133.73 | 126.85 | 102.23 | 114.67 | 5 | 16.9 | 8.79 | 1.75 | 21.13 | GRAPHS |
Abel | Theorem-S | .30 | .308-20BA | 142.5 | 149.14 | 142.25 | 131.03 | 129.03 | 149.99 | 142.78 | 133.54 | 130.68 | 139.50 | 132.07 | 121.22 | 122.08 | 5 | 10.6 | 5.80 | 1.75 | 13.94 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 141.8 | 149.92 | 141.57 | 132.59 | 129.90 | 150.04 | 141.98 | 133.00 | 130.16 | 141.23 | 136.35 | 118.94 | 125.07 | 5 | 17.5 | 6.13 | 1.58 | 12.01 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30K | .30 | .308-20BA | 144.7 | 152.18 | 144.66 | 136.54 | 132.79 | 151.83 | 144.70 | 137.10 | 133.26 | 141.91 | 136.59 | 123.69 | 126.39 | 5 | 14.4 | 5.10 | 1.58 | 9.99 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30L | .30 | .308-20BA | 136.5 | 144.38 | 136.49 | 122.92 | 124.69 | 146.02 | 136.57 | 124.37 | 125.96 | 138.81 | 132.98 | 107.17 | 122.19 | 5 | 21.7 | 7.64 | 1.58 | 14.97 | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM5 30K | .30 | .308-20BA | 142.3 | 148.11 | 142.19 | 130.92 | 128.32 | 147.95 | 142.32 | 131.42 | 128.62 | 140.06 | 132.54 | 119.80 | 120.57 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Allen Engineering | AEM5-30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.7 | 145.50 | 138.17 | 123.47 | 125.28 | 145.35 | 139.20 | 123.85 | 125.79 | 135.96 | 129.03 | 111.77 | 117.41 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Allen Engineering | M24 | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.0 | 145.67 | 137.76 | 126.06 | 125.53 | 146.29 | 138.30 | 126.80 | 126.47 | 136.35 | 129.59 | 114.58 | 118.25 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | Monoblock 762 | .30 | .308-20BA | 133.7 | 139.97 | 133.72 | 105.24 | 113.97 | 139.20 | 133.59 | 106.26 | 114.78 | 131.09 | 125.13 | 103.15 | 109.90 | 5 | 21.9 | 12.63 | 2.0 | 39.66 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-762Rotex | .30 | .308-20BA | 137.3 | 143.76 | 136.72 | 120.26 | 124.31 | 145.26 | 137.86 | 121.23 | 124.84 | 134.45 | 130.08 | 108.10 | 120.06 | 4 | 17.7 | 8.35 | 1.56 | 15.95 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-762Rotex-C | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.5 | 147.10 | 139.76 | 124.36 | 126.26 | 147.66 | 141.19 | 125.22 | 126.92 | 137.82 | 132.75 | 112.50 | 122.64 | 5 | 16.2 | 7.56 | 1.56 | 14.44 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SRBS762-DM | .30 | .308-20BA | 141.5 | 149.36 | 141.76 | 129.34 | 128.53 | 148.75 | 141.17 | 130.19 | 128.73 | 140.69 | 137.01 | 117.90 | 125.09 | 5 | 17.4 | 7.5 | 1.7 | 17.01 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SRBS762TI-DM | .30 | .308-20BA | 142.1 | 148.19 | 141.66 | 129.46 | 128.28 | 149.67 | 142.50 | 130.26 | 128.92 | 140.18 | 136.73 | 117.49 | 125.33 | 5 | 10.8 | 7.5 | 1.7 | 17.01 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Chairman | .30 | .308-20BA | 143.5 | 151.07 | 144.78 | 130.48 | 130.90 | 148.98 | 142.27 | 129.20 | 129.21 | 138.16 | 131.35 | 118.02 | 120.61 | 5 | 16.3 | 8 | 1.5 | 14.13 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Chairman K | .30 | .308-20BA | 148.2 | 153.48 | 147.88 | 133.73 | 132.55 | 153.94 | 148.50 | 134.36 | 133.30 | 142.35 | 135.09 | 123.35 | 123.79 | 5 | 13.1 | 6.25 | 1.5 | 11.04 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish 30 Full Length | .30 | .308-20BA | 137.0 | 144.19 | 136.17 | 124.90 | 125.19 | 145.85 | 137.90 | 125.14 | 125.92 | 135.60 | 129.21 | 111.74 | 118.53 | 5 | 15.3 | 9.13 | 1.5 | 16.13 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish 30 GOLD | .30 | .308-20BA | 135.6 | 142.72 | 135.42 | 120.05 | 122.07 | 144.00 | 135.69 | 123.15 | 124.54 | 136.77 | 128.69 | 106.13 | 117.15 | 5 | 14.7 | 8.25 | 1.6 | 16.58 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Banish Backcountry | .30 | .308-20BA | 141.9 | 148.35 | 141.61 | 133.11 | 129.05 | 150.07 | 142.26 | 134.29 | 129.90 | 138.10 | 133.75 | 122.83 | 122.02 | 5 | 9.3 | 5.7 | 1.63 | 11.89 | GRAPHS |
Banish Suppressors | Buck 30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.7 | 147.42 | 140.56 | 128.85 | 128.40 | 146.31 | 138.76 | 129.23 | 128.62 | 138.71 | 131.67 | 117.34 | 120.61 | 5 | 14.9 | 7.13 | 1.5 | 12.59 | GRAPHS |
Bare Muzzle | Bare 20in 308 | .30 | .308-20BA | 167.1 | 170.28 | 166.90 | 152.04 | 148.45 | 170.70 | 167.32 | 152.45 | 148.92 | 160.05 | 155.89 | 141.95 | 141.17 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomad L Ti XC | .30 | .308-20BA | 132.6 | 142.07 | 131.82 | 115.07 | 118.72 | 142.07 | 133.33 | 115.75 | 119.14 | 134.44 | 124.36 | 103.07 | 113.62 | 5 | 13.3 | 9.06 | 1.75 | 21.78 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomad Ti XC | .30 | .308-20BA | 137.2 | 145.57 | 136.77 | 121.16 | 122.53 | 147.47 | 137.64 | 122.23 | 123.73 | 136.40 | 126.71 | 108.71 | 115.90 | 5 | 11.0 | 7.29 | 1.75 | 17.53 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | Enticer LTI | .30 | .308-20BA | 133.0 | 140.38 | 132.47 | 115.34 | 120.55 | 141.19 | 133.62 | 115.21 | 121.34 | 136.51 | 129.59 | 102.47 | 118.76 | 5 | 10.6 | 8.54 | 1.62 | 17.59 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | Enticer STI | .30 | .308-20BA | 136.1 | 144.19 | 135.73 | 123.52 | 124.33 | 145.58 | 136.49 | 124.20 | 125.36 | 138.11 | 131.17 | 112.74 | 121.15 | 5 | 8.6 | 7.04 | 1.62 | 14.50 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter 8in | .30 | .308-20BA | 135.2 | 141.66 | 135.12 | 119.88 | 123.62 | 142.70 | 135.31 | 120.59 | 124.01 | 133.62 | 127.36 | 103.56 | 116.24 | 5 | 15.3 | 8.38 | 1.6 | 16.84 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter 9in | .30 | .308-20BA | 132.9 | 139.17 | 132.48 | 114.63 | 119.69 | 140.88 | 133.38 | 115.74 | 120.16 | 132.60 | 126.33 | 103.19 | 115.16 | 5 | 23.7 | 9.5 | 1.6 | 19.09 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Aquilae | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.3 | 144.87 | 137.88 | 125.08 | 125.74 | 145.86 | 138.76 | 124.98 | 125.37 | 135.66 | 129.16 | 110.16 | 117.81 | 5 | 16.6 | 6.8 | 1.6 | 13.67 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Five By Five | .30 | .308-20BA | 143.1 | 149.55 | 143.01 | 129.85 | 131.05 | 149.38 | 143.14 | 130.33 | 131.33 | 139.17 | 133.43 | 118.18 | 122.62 | 5 | 16.1 | 5.5 | 1.6 | 11.05 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Furtivus | .30 | .308-20BA | 137.4 | 145.31 | 137.90 | 122.59 | 125.59 | 144.35 | 136.86 | 123.45 | 125.73 | 136.25 | 128.85 | 109.10 | 118.59 | 5 | 14.4 | 8.0 | 1.38 | 11.96 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Valkyrie | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.1 | 145.85 | 140.02 | 126.90 | 127.40 | 147.56 | 140.14 | 127.90 | 128.31 | 136.99 | 131.64 | 115.09 | 119.83 | 5 | 15.8 | 6.63 | 1.5 | 11.71 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Asset | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.1 | 148.20 | 139.81 | 132.54 | 128.16 | 149.47 | 140.47 | 133.35 | 129.09 | 138.13 | 130.27 | 119.90 | 119.80 | 5 | 21.7 | 10.16 | 1.78 | 25.27 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | STFU Lite | .30 | .308-20BA | 146.2 | 150.57 | 145.31 | 127.63 | 129.57 | 152.41 | 147.11 | 128.56 | 130.71 | 139.17 | 134.63 | 113.85 | 121.36 | 5 | 14.7 | 7.88 | 1.65 | 16.84 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.7 | 145.83 | 138.94 | 125.27 | 126.62 | 145.76 | 138.55 | 125.88 | 127.26 | 137.77 | 130.70 | 113.49 | 119.23 | 5 | 15.5 | 6.95 | 1.78 | 17.29 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite .30 with Brake | .30 | .308-20BA | 142.8 | 146.44 | 141.91 | 133.20 | 127.80 | 147.07 | 143.79 | 132.94 | 127.68 | 148.52 | 142.07 | 129.63 | 129.62 | 5 | 18 | 7.86 | 1.78 | 19.55 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Peak 30 with Flash Hider | .30 | .308-20BA | 143.9 | 150.86 | 143.42 | 133.50 | 132.10 | 152.11 | 144.30 | 133.63 | 132.84 | 142.63 | 136.30 | 122.36 | 124.47 | 5 | 12.5 | 6.55 | 1.55 | 12.35 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Dirty Dachshund | .30 | .308-20BA | 141.8 | 146.83 | 141.10 | 121.04 | 124.24 | 147.30 | 142.53 | 121.99 | 125.28 | 137.27 | 130.74 | 109.86 | 117.80 | 5 | 12.7 | 8.63 | 1.56 | 16.49 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Dirty Dachshund SS | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.3 | 144.51 | 138.75 | 119.92 | 123.36 | 145.24 | 139.86 | 121.35 | 124.83 | 137.03 | 129.53 | 107.08 | 116.66 | 5 | 19.6 | 8.62 | 1.6 | 17.32 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | Dual-Lok 7.62mm | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.7 | 149.63 | 140.31 | 130.90 | 128.54 | 148.83 | 141.10 | 131.80 | 129.90 | 142.40 | 134.00 | 120.87 | 122.46 | 5 | 16.6 | 7.5 | 1.5 | 13.25 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | GP7 | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.5 | 149.24 | 139.61 | 130.40 | 128.45 | 148.62 | 139.35 | 131.57 | 128.40 | 138.85 | 132.92 | 118.80 | 120.32 | 5 | 13.2 | 7.29 | 1.50 | 12.88 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | Sportman Ultra light HD | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.3 | 147.54 | 140.41 | 130.03 | 128.64 | 147.63 | 140.25 | 128.79 | 128.10 | 136.81 | 131.01 | 117.83 | 119.90 | 5 | 13.5 | 6.94 | 1.52 | 12.59 | GRAPHS |
Huxwrx | Flow 762 Ti | .30 | .308-20BA | 144.1 | 150.08 | 143.60 | 134.77 | 128.87 | 150.44 | 144.62 | 135.31 | 129.34 | 141.44 | 133.40 | 125.19 | 122.02 | 5 | 15.1 | 6.90 | 1.82 | 17.94 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Deception 7.62mm | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.6 | 147.43 | 140.82 | 128.96 | 128.73 | 147.10 | 140.46 | 129.12 | 128.83 | 137.64 | 131.89 | 116.84 | 120.68 | 5 | 23.2 | 7.57 | 1.58 | 14.83 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-K2 | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.3 | 147.36 | 138.86 | 130.30 | 127.99 | 147.45 | 139.73 | 130.27 | 128.12 | 138.55 | 133.05 | 118.89 | 121.55 | 5 | 12.7 | 5.70 | 1.74 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-L2 | .30 | .308-20BA | 133.9 | 140.96 | 133.60 | 106.27 | 114.53 | 140.65 | 134.27 | 106.67 | 115.06 | 134.22 | 126.77 | 103.28 | 111.53 | 5 | 20.2 | 9.27 | 1.74 | 22.03 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-S2 | .30 | .308-20BA | 135.7 | 143.12 | 135.23 | 123.16 | 122.95 | 143.65 | 136.14 | 124.33 | 123.85 | 133.95 | 128.20 | 110.63 | 117.17 | 5 | 15.3 | 7.0 | 1.47 | 11.87 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Hydrogen-L | .30 | .308-20BA | 132.7 | 138.96 | 132.13 | 113.56 | 118.66 | 140.09 | 133.23 | 112.14 | 118.50 | 129.80 | 123.68 | 102.29 | 112.19 | 5 | 13.9 | 9.54 | 1.61 | 19.41 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Polonium-30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 140.4 | 147.86 | 139.90 | 132.47 | 128.28 | 149.02 | 140.92 | 132.96 | 128.86 | 140.39 | 132.57 | 121.37 | 122.08 | 5 | 15.8 | 6.31 | 1.61 | 12.84 | GRAPHS |
PTR | VSM1 | .30 | .308-20BA | 133.6 | 139.83 | 133.23 | 114.74 | 114.43 | 140.20 | 134.01 | 115.78 | 114.99 | 133.76 | 127.05 | 104.31 | 111.28 | 5 | 15 | 9.09 | 1.74 | 21.60 | GRAPHS |
Q | Trash Panda | .30 | .308-20BA | 143.0 | 149.48 | 143.71 | 125.75 | 127.64 | 148.07 | 142.30 | 126.98 | 127.37 | 138.87 | 132.46 | 114.25 | 119.50 | 5 | 13.5 | 7.12 | 1.74 | 16.92 | GRAPHS |
RD | BT-762GPS | .30 | .308-20BA | 149.1 | 152.48 | 149.00 | 138.65 | 133.68 | 154.38 | 149.24 | 139.23 | 133.86 | 143.61 | 140.72 | 127.56 | 128.41 | 5 | 30.2 | 8.0 | 1.75 | 19.23 | GRAPHS |
RD | CS3TI | .30 | .308-20BA | 146.9 | 150.97 | 145.99 | 135.07 | 130.94 | 151.99 | 147.74 | 135.63 | 131.92 | 143.57 | 136.59 | 124.61 | 123.75 | 5 | 15.8 | 5.88 | 1.75 | 14.14 | GRAPHS |
RD | LS3 | .30 | .308-20BA | 137.0 | 144.72 | 136.17 | 123.16 | 124.63 | 145.11 | 137.80 | 123.57 | 125.15 | 138.74 | 133.95 | 109.93 | 122.44 | 5 | 22.9 | 8.25 | 1.6 | 16.58 | GRAPHS |
RD | SASSTI | .30 | .308-20BA | 142.6 | 148.74 | 142.40 | 130.24 | 128.59 | 149.14 | 142.79 | 130.87 | 129.11 | 141.02 | 134.19 | 119.50 | 123.11 | 5 | 19.8 | 8.5 | 1.75 | 20.43 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Radiant 7.62mm Long | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.6 | 146.38 | 139.56 | 130.18 | 128.01 | 147.66 | 139.67 | 130.48 | 127.94 | 136.36 | 130.70 | 119.52 | 120.40 | 5 | 15.7 | 7.88 | 1.53 | 14.48 | GRAPHS |
Silencer Co | Omega 300 With Brake | .30 | .308-20BA | 134.9 | 142.89 | 134.80 | 128.74 | 122.24 | 142.91 | 134.92 | 130.21 | 122.76 | 144.45 | 136.81 | 127.62 | 123.88 | 5 | 18.9 | 8.00 | 1.57 | 15.48 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | 300 Venom | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.9 | 146.87 | 138.77 | 123.45 | 126.27 | 146.59 | 138.99 | 123.50 | 126.65 | 135.96 | 129.19 | 111.94 | 117.68 | 5 | 16.3 | 9.05 | 1.75 | 21.76 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.9 | 145.59 | 139.65 | 126.82 | 126.42 | 146.31 | 140.14 | 127.37 | 126.93 | 133.82 | 128.08 | 113.41 | 116.79 | 5 | 14.4 | 8.65 | 1.62 | 17.82 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB With Mini Brake | .30 | .308-20BA | 143.4 | 150.11 | 144.11 | 131.60 | 128.49 | 149.40 | 142.67 | 131.44 | 129.62 | 144.16 | 135.91 | 124.75 | 124.00 | 5 | 15.0 | 9.6 | 1.62 | 19.78 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB with Flash Hider | .30 | .308-20BA | 137.9 | 144.78 | 137.40 | 128.95 | 126.02 | 145.23 | 138.46 | 129.41 | 126.61 | 139.05 | 131.20 | 120.21 | 119.96 | 5 | 15.8 | 10.35 | 1.62 | 21.32 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | Hunter30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.3 | 145.67 | 138.90 | 127.55 | 127.09 | 147.02 | 139.75 | 128.08 | 127.52 | 134.17 | 128.52 | 115.65 | 117.45 | 5 | 12.0 | 8.9 | 1.62 | 18.34 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus .30 CB | .30 | .308-20BA | 133.0 | 139.04 | 132.41 | 114.64 | 119.65 | 139.93 | 133.52 | 114.52 | 119.75 | 131.68 | 123.94 | 103.36 | 112.50 | 5 | 17.3 | 8.99 | 1.8 | 22.87 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus K .30 CB | .30 | .308-20BA | 145.5 | 150.84 | 145.46 | 132.75 | 131.29 | 151.15 | 145.45 | 133.45 | 131.77 | 140.96 | 133.87 | 121.92 | 122.62 | 5 | 11.1 | 5.45 | 1.8 | 13.86 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus K RR .30 CB | .30 | .308-20BA | 144.5 | 152.16 | 145.22 | 138.28 | 129.75 | 150.48 | 143.75 | 138.59 | 129.43 | 152.12 | 144.49 | 137.03 | 133.03 | 5 | 13.1 | 6.92 | 1.8 | 17.60 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus RR .30 CB | .30 | .308-20BA | 132.8 | 137.35 | 132.59 | 118.27 | 117.05 | 138.22 | 132.96 | 119.93 | 117.41 | 141.68 | 130.51 | 116.66 | 120.00 | 5 | 19.5 | 10.52 | 1.8 | 26.76 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus S .30 CB | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.0 | 145.07 | 138.02 | 125.83 | 126.37 | 145.51 | 137.90 | 125.94 | 126.04 | 135.25 | 128.43 | 112.95 | 117.83 | 5 | 13.5 | 6.87 | 1.8 | 17.47 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus S RR .30 CB | .30 | .308-20BA | 138.0 | 144.48 | 137.23 | 129.63 | 123.33 | 144.71 | 138.80 | 130.38 | 124.18 | 148.30 | 140.89 | 128.71 | 128.97 | 5 | 16.1 | 8.36 | 1.8 | 21.26 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Ultra 5 .30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 144.8 | 151.09 | 144.35 | 137.44 | 132.67 | 152.80 | 145.23 | 138.57 | 133.98 | 139.45 | 135.48 | 126.25 | 124.43 | 5 | 8.1 | 5.01 | 1.45 | 8.27 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Ultra 7 .30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.3 | 148.24 | 139.92 | 129.25 | 128.60 | 146.82 | 138.67 | 129.05 | 127.17 | 136.20 | 130.34 | 117.27 | 119.27 | 5 | 10.2 | 7.02 | 1.45 | 11.59 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Ultra 9 .30 | .30 | .308-20BA | 135.6 | 141.96 | 135.24 | 120.77 | 123.47 | 143.03 | 135.92 | 122.29 | 124.95 | 133.47 | 126.51 | 108.17 | 115.93 | 5 | 12 | 9.01 | 1.45 | 14.87 | GRAPHS |
TION | Dragoon 7.62 CQB | .30 | .308-20BA | 141.4 | 149.32 | 141.69 | 131.31 | 129.31 | 148.87 | 141.20 | 131.06 | 128.91 | 137.86 | 132.95 | 121.51 | 121.54 | 5 | 12.4 | 7.6 | 1.38 | 11.36 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Jackalope | .30 | .308-20BA | 139.1 | 146.97 | 138.74 | 128.28 | 127.32 | 147.77 | 139.41 | 128.80 | 127.98 | 137.74 | 131.78 | 116.32 | 119.75 | 5 | 16 | 7.88 | 1.48 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Resonator K | .30 | .308-20BA | 146.0 | 151.75 | 144.58 | 135.07 | 132.38 | 153.74 | 147.46 | 137.42 | 134.89 | 143.76 | 138.13 | 124.72 | 126.11 | 5 | 15.6 | 6.1 | 1.56 | 11.65 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Resonator R2 | .30 | .308-20BA | 136.8 | 144.45 | 136.45 | 122.14 | 125.78 | 145.86 | 137.10 | 121.67 | 125.78 | 137.35 | 131.15 | 106.38 | 119.58 | 5 | 19.4 | 8.24 | 1.56 | 15.74 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
B&T | Monoblock | .30 | .308-24BA | 134.3 | 140.53 | 134.90 | 106.56 | 114.59 | 139.81 | 133.66 | 106.31 | 114.40 | 132.71 | 125.98 | 104.59 | 109.64 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM5-30 | .30 | 5.56-12.5AR | 139.6 | 144.00 | 138.66 | 121.59 | 122.81 | 146.06 | 140.44 | 123.16 | 124.79 | 146.61 | 136.12 | 125.74 | 124.88 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Allen Engineering | AEM5-30K | .30 | 5.56-12.5AR | 144.1 | 147.90 | 143.57 | 130.32 | 127.01 | 148.97 | 144.65 | 131.63 | 128.64 | 147.34 | 138.52 | 127.54 | 125.55 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30 | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 139.9 | 148.29 | 138.87 | 129.20 | 126.79 | 148.82 | 140.96 | 130.80 | 128.20 | 149.79 | 140.74 | 129.22 | 130.02 | 5 | 17.5 | 6.13 | 1.58 | 12.01 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30K | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 142.0 | 151.07 | 141.97 | 133.93 | 130.23 | 149.86 | 142.06 | 133.91 | 130.00 | 149.59 | 141.17 | 129.39 | 129.61 | 5 | 14.5 | 5.11 | 1.58 | 10.01 | GRAPHS |
Aero Precision | Lahar-30L | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 135.5 | 142.92 | 133.18 | 121.51 | 122.15 | 144.72 | 137.87 | 125.45 | 124.44 | 150.41 | 140.80 | 128.69 | 129.61 | 5 | 21.7 | 7.64 | 1.58 | 14.97 | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM5-30 OTB | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 140.1 | 145.16 | 139.98 | 121.71 | 123.40 | 145.69 | 140.13 | 124.15 | 124.79 | 148.34 | 139.57 | 127.88 | 127.51 | 5 | 30.2 | 11.25 | 1.50 | 19.87 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-762ROTEX | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 135.6 | 142.04 | 134.90 | 119.01 | 121.94 | 142.97 | 136.21 | 124.43 | 124.25 | 150.83 | 141.90 | 128.57 | 129.78 | 5 | 17.9 | 8.23 | 1.56 | 15.72 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-762ROTEX-C | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 137.6 | 143.74 | 136.25 | 123.01 | 123.88 | 144.33 | 138.90 | 125.21 | 125.22 | 150.25 | 140.83 | 128.42 | 128.64 | 5 | 16.3 | 7.44 | 1.56 | 14.21 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SRBS762-DM | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 140.6 | 146.33 | 140.71 | 128.98 | 125.75 | 147.13 | 140.57 | 129.57 | 126.89 | 149.36 | 139.31 | 128.58 | 128.05 | 5 | 17.5 | 7.38 | 1.72 | 17.14 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SRBS762TI-DM | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 141.4 | 148.13 | 141.19 | 127.77 | 125.94 | 147.69 | 141.68 | 128.75 | 127.41 | 149.08 | 141.44 | 128.67 | 128.36 | 5 | 10.9 | 7.38 | 1.72 | 17.14 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Chairman | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 143.6 | 148.82 | 142.27 | 127.14 | 127.09 | 150.34 | 144.86 | 129.95 | 129.68 | 150.16 | 140.44 | 127.78 | 127.11 | 5 | 16.3 | 8 | .5 | 1.57 | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Chairman K | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 149.5 | 153.13 | 148.71 | 135.41 | 132.34 | 155.11 | 150.35 | 135.36 | 133.03 | 150.20 | 141.07 | 130.40 | 128.25 | 5 | 13.1 | 6.25 | 1.5 | 11.04 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomad LTI XC | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 134.3 | 142.68 | 133.58 | 117.36 | 118.63 | 143.18 | 135.11 | 121.51 | 121.49 | 150.02 | 138.49 | 127.94 | 127.52 | 5 | 13.7 | 9.06 | 1.76 | 22.03 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomad TI XC | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 135.6 | 142.81 | 133.90 | 120.11 | 120.07 | 145.57 | 137.33 | 123.28 | 123.52 | 148.34 | 139.16 | 128.18 | 127.64 | 5 | 11.3 | 7.28 | 1.76 | 17.70 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter 8in. | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 134.1 | 138.97 | 132.46 | 116.75 | 119.97 | 140.15 | 135.72 | 121.66 | 122.28 | 149.71 | 139.80 | 127.27 | 128.46 | 5 | 15.3 | 8.38 | 1.6 | 16.84 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Peak 30 .223 End Cap | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 140.3 | 146.98 | 139.33 | 129.61 | 127.73 | 150.50 | 141.25 | 130.10 | 129.23 | 147.67 | 138.62 | 126.71 | 128.06 | 5 | 12.1 | 6.5 | 1.5 | 11.48 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Dirty Dachshund | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 135.6 | 141.96 | 135.02 | 117.14 | 120.38 | 142.39 | 136.25 | 122.50 | 122.57 | 148.59 | 138.04 | 127.33 | 127.65 | 5 | 12.7 | 8.63 | 1.56 | 16.49 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Dirty Dachshund SS | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 135.9 | 140.88 | 134.47 | 116.28 | 119.83 | 143.25 | 137.25 | 122.32 | 122.61 | 148.16 | 138.42 | 127.37 | 127.45 | 5 | 19.6 | 8.62 | 1.6 | 17.32 | GRAPHS |
Griffin | Dual-Lok 7.62mm | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 139.5 | 147.35 | 139.38 | 129.28 | 127.00 | 147.23 | 139.71 | 129.96 | 127.25 | 150.93 | 140.54 | 128.51 | 129.32 | 5 | 17 | 7.5 | 1.53 | 13.78 | GRAPHS |
Huxwrx | Flow 762 Ti | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 145.4 | 150.39 | 144.99 | 130.17 | 126.51 | 151.03 | 145.78 | 130.87 | 127.21 | 149.86 | 141.87 | 129.37 | 127.71 | 5 | 14.8 | 6.87 | 1.8 | 17.47 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Deception 7.62mm | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 138.5 | 145.81 | 137.94 | 126.34 | 125.33 | 146.76 | 139.12 | 128.58 | 126.79 | 148.80 | 140.11 | 128.31 | 128.53 | 5 | 24 | 7.87 | 1.59 | 15.62 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-K2 | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 139.5 | 145.61 | 138.59 | 128.26 | 126.11 | 146.95 | 140.42 | 129.33 | 127.16 | 150.52 | 141.58 | 128.85 | 129.28 | 5 | 12.8 | 5.70 | 1.74 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-L2 | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 133.5 | 139.93 | 132.04 | 111.90 | 113.59 | 139.68 | 135.01 | 121.00 | 120.20 | 149.97 | 141.65 | 128.69 | 129.23 | 5 | 20.8 | 9.32 | 1.74 | 22.15 | GRAPHS |
Liberty Precision | Anthem-S2 | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 134.4 | 141.71 | 133.26 | 122.53 | 121.10 | 142.56 | 135.47 | 125.85 | 123.12 | 150.50 | 140.44 | 128.72 | 128.82 | 5 | 15.9 | 7.09 | 1.74 | 16.85 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Polonium 30 | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 140.0 | 146.96 | 139.58 | 130.56 | 126.23 | 147.45 | 140.45 | 130.92 | 127.60 | 149.65 | 139.36 | 128.77 | 128.40 | 5 | 14.9 | 6.11 | 1.61 | 12.43 | GRAPHS |
PTR | VSM1 | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 133.6 | 138.02 | 131.84 | 115.70 | 113.49 | 139.70 | 135.28 | 122.80 | 119.84 | 150.50 | 140.51 | 128.43 | 127.42 | 5 | 15 | 9.10 | 1.74 | 21.63 | GRAPHS |
Q | Trash Panda | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 144.1 | 148.15 | 143.05 | 126.57 | 126.51 | 150.53 | 145.10 | 127.66 | 128.61 | 149.47 | 141.50 | 128.89 | 128.16 | 5 | 14 | 7.11 | 1.74 | 16.90 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Radiant 7.62mm Long | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 139.4 | 147.70 | 139.84 | 128.27 | 125.73 | 146.29 | 139.03 | 128.31 | 126.45 | 150.17 | 139.03 | 128.05 | 128.02 | 5 | 15.9 | 7.88 | 1.53 | 14.48 | GRAPHS |
Silencer Co | Omega 300 with Brake | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 133.5 | 138.59 | 131.80 | 126.09 | 118.59 | 142.26 | 135.24 | 128.07 | 122.07 | 148.61 | 140.73 | 128.61 | 130.03 | 5 | 19.3 | 8.0 | 1.57 | 15.48 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 141.3 | 147.43 | 141.47 | 129.76 | 127.48 | 146.96 | 141.16 | 129.91 | 127.70 | 148.39 | 138.41 | 127.87 | 127.25 | 5 | 14 | 8.64 | 1.62 | 17.80 | GRAPHS |
StingerWorx | EVO 30 HUB with Mini Brake | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 144.8 | 149.72 | 145.23 | 131.43 | 128.62 | 148.66 | 144.40 | 131.22 | 128.75 | 148.04 | 139.64 | 127.60 | 127.78 | 5 | 14.7 | 9.6 | 1.62 | 19.78 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus .30 CB | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 134.2 | 139.04 | 131.80 | 113.47 | 116.17 | 141.08 | 136.63 | 121.62 | 121.77 | 149.56 | 141.13 | 128.77 | 129.88 | 5 | 17.7 | 8.99 | 1.8 | 22.87 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus S .30 CB | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 136.9 | 143.46 | 135.49 | 124.38 | 123.69 | 145.43 | 138.41 | 127.74 | 125.60 | 149.70 | 139.79 | 129.04 | 129.80 | 5 | 13.8 | 6.87 | 1.8 | 17.47 | GRAPHS |
TION | Dragoon 7.62mm CQB | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 141.0 | 147.14 | 140.31 | 127.90 | 126.69 | 147.36 | 141.77 | 128.39 | 127.74 | 148.26 | 138.46 | 128.64 | 128.72 | 5 | 12.6 | 7.66 | 1.38 | 11.45 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Jackalope | .30 | 5.56-16AR | 138.9 | 147.12 | 138.57 | 127.24 | 125.72 | 147.70 | 139.14 | 127.49 | 126.68 | 149.01 | 139.39 | 127.23 | 127.10 | 5 | 16 | 7.88 | 1.48 | 13.55 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Camacho | .338 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.2 | 132.12 | 121.84 | 110.24 | 110.77 | 138.12 | 132.48 | 118.80 | 116.98 | 147.17 | 138.41 | 124.17 | 124.75 | 5 | 24.4 | 9.75 | 1.73 | 22.91 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite M | .338 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 126.7 | 128.14 | 122.34 | 106.60 | 111.29 | 137.15 | 130.98 | 117.06 | 117.19 | 146.00 | 138.52 | 123.87 | 125.84 | 5 | 20.1 | 9.10 | 1.78 | 22.63 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | 338 Ultra BA | .338 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 125.6 | 124.14 | 120.43 | 104.94 | 109.37 | 135.31 | 130.76 | 114.77 | 115.27 | 145.82 | 136.90 | 122.64 | 125.39 | 5 | 21.7 | 10.4 | 1.8 | 26.45 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Bad Larry | .338 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.6 | 129.94 | 123.40 | 108.25 | 111.73 | 136.69 | 131.75 | 115.18 | 116.17 | 144.69 | 136.97 | 122.08 | 124.69 | 5 | 18.1 | 7.65 | 1.74 | 18.18 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Camacho | .338 | .308-20BA | 140.1 | 145.55 | 139.28 | 125.41 | 126.11 | 146.62 | 140.87 | 125.06 | 126.69 | 135.99 | 129.44 | 112.05 | 117.80 | 5 | 24.5 | 9.75 | 1.75 | 23.44 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Nomax 33 | .338 | .308-20BA | 133.6 | 141.59 | 132.99 | 115.04 | 118.93 | 143.16 | 134.12 | 116.24 | 119.65 | 133.90 | 125.43 | 102.10 | 112.94 | 5 | 18.7 | 9.84 | 1.75 | 23.66 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | DTF STI 30 Cal Cap | .338 | .308-20BA | 142.1 | 147.16 | 141.15 | 125.05 | 126.90 | 148.54 | 143.05 | 126.01 | 128.03 | 137.82 | 132.94 | 114.19 | 121.68 | 5 | 8.7 | 7.0 | 1.62 | 14.42 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite-M | .338 | .308-20BA | 135.8 | 142.24 | 135.07 | 119.14 | 123.83 | 144.28 | 136.47 | 120.08 | 124.64 | 135.18 | 128.35 | 105.48 | 117.34 | 5 | 20.1 | 9.10 | 1.78 | 22.63 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Wapiti | .338 | .308-20BA | 133.9 | 140.84 | 134.11 | 119.24 | 120.87 | 141.62 | 133.74 | 119.90 | 121.36 | 131.67 | 125.79 | 106.70 | 114.43 | 5 | 14.7 | 9.53 | 1.71 | 21.88 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | 338 Ultra BA | .338 | .308-20BA | 133.2 | 139.66 | 133.18 | 110.83 | 118.00 | 139.97 | 133.21 | 110.47 | 117.81 | 132.11 | 124.43 | 102.82 | 112.19 | 5 | 21.7 | 10.4 | 1.8 | 26.45 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Bad Larry | .338 | .308-20BA | 136.6 | 143.24 | 136.28 | 120.26 | 124.62 | 144.65 | 136.82 | 120.27 | 125.20 | 134.91 | 129.18 | 106.18 | 117.13 | 5 | 18.1 | 7.65 | 1.74 | 18.18 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
TBAC | 338 Ultra | .338 | .338LM-26BA | 135.8 | 144.29 | 135.68 | 119.90 | 125.13 | 143.22 | 136.01 | 119.72 | 124.69 | 132.08 | 128.08 | 110.17 | 116.29 | 5 | 21.7 | 10.4 | 1.8 | 26.45 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus S .338 BA | .338 | .338LM-26BA | 143.6 | 149.62 | 143.31 | 132.84 | 132.33 | 150.91 | 143.92 | 133.78 | 133.20 | 138.17 | 133.27 | 120.52 | 122.74 | 5 | 15.5 | 6.85 | 1.8 | 17.42 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Magnus S RR .338 SR | .338 | .338LM-26BA | 141.2 | 149.85 | 141.14 | 140.07 | 129.22 | 148.56 | 141.20 | 139.39 | 129.04 | 153.38 | 145.67 | 136.47 | 133.52 | 5 | 20.7 | 9.11 | 1.8 | 23.17 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
TBAC | 338 Ultra BA | .338 | 5.56-16AR | 134.4 | 138.89 | 132.32 | 111.79 | 115.16 | 140.61 | 136.55 | 120.61 | 120.55 | 151.31 | 140.79 | 128.21 | 128.96 | 5 | 21.7 | 10.64 | 1.8 | 27.06 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Camacho | .338 | 9mm-PS | 123.3 | 126.44 | 120.97 | 101.14 | 106.04 | 129.86 | 125.65 | 102.68 | 109.08 | 133.62 | 130.13 | 104.17 | 113.88 | 5 | 27.3 | 10.22 | 1.75 | 24.57 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite .36 | .36 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 133.8 | 139.45 | 133.84 | 117.46 | 118.86 | 140.27 | 133.78 | 120.98 | 119.59 | 146.45 | 136.71 | 122.53 | 124.59 | 5 | 15.9 | 6.99 | 1.78 | 17.39 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Silencer Co | Omega 36m Long | .36 | .308-20BA | 137.8 | 145.74 | 138.42 | 127.08 | 126.31 | 145.19 | 137.16 | 126.04 | 126.01 | 136.89 | 130.72 | 115.63 | 119.46 | 5 | 20.1 | 7.89 | 1.57 | 15.27 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Silencer Co | Omega 36m Long | .36 | 5.56-16AR | 136.6 | 142.90 | 136.08 | 122.86 | 121.98 | 144.19 | 137.10 | 127.11 | 124.74 | 149.01 | 140.62 | 128.34 | 129.32 | 4 | 20.5 | 7.89 | 1.57 | 15.27 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Alaskan .360 Long | .360 | .308-20BA | 141.9 | 148.82 | 141.69 | 131.44 | 129.38 | 149.30 | 142.19 | 131.87 | 129.60 | 136.93 | 131.97 | 120.19 | 120.68 | 5 | 14.7 | 7.62 | 1.60 | 15.31 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Alaskan .360 Long | .360 | 5.56-16AR | 138.8 | 146.98 | 138.47 | 129.04 | 126.54 | 146.71 | 139.16 | 129.79 | 127.65 | 149.56 | 139.87 | 128.48 | 128.19 | 5 | 15 | 7.62 | 1.60 | 15.31 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter .375 | .375 | .308-20BA | 137.2 | 144.22 | 136.04 | 122.08 | 125.44 | 145.26 | 138.37 | 123.57 | 127.15 | 136.38 | 131.35 | 107.91 | 120.80 | 5 | 15.7 | 9.48 | 1.60 | 19.05 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Nyati | .375 | .308-20BA | 135.2 | 141.71 | 134.18 | 119.46 | 122.26 | 143.11 | 136.28 | 120.58 | 123.59 | 136.82 | 130.43 | 108.47 | 119.28 | 5 | 16.3 | 10.6 | 1.7 | 24.05 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Nyati Reshoot | .375 | .308-20BA | 134.8 | 141.63 | 134.86 | 119.48 | 123.48 | 142.40 | 134.77 | 119.78 | 123.68 | 134.91 | 128.88 | 105.40 | 118.69 | 5 | 16.3 | 10.56 | 1.70 | 23.96 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Accipiter .375 | .375 | .375RUM-BA | 143.7 | 149.75 | 144.33 | 129.90 | 133.50 | 150.58 | 143.04 | 130.91 | 133.36 | 137.32 | 133.63 | 116.16 | 123.98 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
FPM | Tatonka | .45 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.9 | 132.92 | 124.16 | 114.20 | 112.91 | 136.94 | 131.73 | 119.24 | 116.54 | 146.61 | 137.56 | 118.33 | 123.87 | 5 | 24.5 | 9.79 | 1.7 | 22.21 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Shepherd | .45 | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 135.1 | 142.87 | 134.19 | 121.70 | 120.89 | 143.37 | 135.96 | 124.13 | 121.69 | 145.94 | 136.79 | 123.25 | 124.90 | 5 | 11 | 8.49 | 1.49 | 14.80 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
BOSS | Executive Full Length | .45 | .308-20BA | 149.4 | 153.83 | 149.73 | 134.83 | 134.98 | 154.04 | 148.98 | 133.76 | 134.80 | 143.36 | 136.91 | 123.26 | 124.75 | 5 | 13.5 | 8.13 | 1.5 | 14.36 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Tatonka | .45 | .308-20BA | 139.1 | 146.65 | 138.97 | 127.35 | 126.95 | 145.89 | 139.13 | 128.18 | 127.15 | 137.29 | 130.76 | 115.58 | 120.23 | 5 | 24.5 | 9.8 | 1.7 | 22.23 | GRAPHS |
YHM | R45 | .45 | .308-20BA | 146.8 | 151.52 | 145.52 | 135.15 | 131.46 | 153.54 | 148.12 | 137.14 | 133.34 | 141.79 | 136.67 | 125.36 | 125.48 | 5 | 14.1 | 6.75 | 1.5 | 11.92 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
AAC | Ti-Rant 45M Long | .45 | 9mm-PS | 129.8 | 135.64 | 128.35 | 115.28 | 113.80 | 138.97 | 131.23 | 115.74 | 115.46 | 137.68 | 132.78 | 110.03 | 114.69 | 5 | 12.5 | 9.05 | 1.38 | 13.53 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Tatonka | .45 | 9mm-PS | 125.5 | 128.71 | 123.14 | 107.74 | 108.91 | 132.50 | 127.92 | 107.48 | 110.50 | 133.97 | 130.23 | 107.88 | 111.94 | 5 | 27.5 | 10.14 | 1.7 | 23.00 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Obsidian 45 Long | .45 | 9mm-PS | 125.7 | 134.07 | 124.91 | 111.73 | 112.22 | 133.63 | 126.49 | 108.32 | 111.64 | 133.45 | 128.90 | 107.13 | 113.31 | 5 | 13.5 | 8.68 | 1.38 | 12.98 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Fly 45 Long | .45 | 9mm-PS | 125.3 | 131.51 | 123.54 | 109.60 | 110.78 | 132.66 | 127.01 | 109.03 | 111.86 | 132.98 | 128.97 | 101.59 | 113.05 | 5 | 10.5 | 8.85 | 1.44 | 14.41 | GRAPHS |
YHM | R45 | .45 | 9mm-PS | 127.7 | 134.61 | 127.51 | 111.13 | 111.05 | 133.80 | 127.87 | 111.43 | 111.92 | 132.98 | 127.65 | 107.41 | 112.04 | 5 | 17.2 | 7.0 | 1.56 | 13.37 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Barron | .50 | .375RUM-BA | 148.6 | 154.24 | 148.45 | 135.62 | 136.01 | 155.29 | 148.70 | 137.38 | 136.99 | 142.03 | 137.33 | 124.89 | 126.03 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Barron | .50 | .50Beowolf-SA | 145.8 | 152.16 | 145.75 | 133.17 | 131.10 | 151.06 | 145.94 | 133.33 | 131.88 | 145.49 | 143.18 | 122.62 | 131.34 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Barron | .50 Non-BMG | .308-20BA | 144.5 | 149.96 | 144.06 | 130.98 | 131.11 | 150.78 | 144.92 | 132.10 | 131.59 | 141.22 | 135.23 | 119.55 | 123.03 | 5 | 27.5 | 10.15 | 1.83 | 26.68 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Barron | .50 Non-BMG | .500SW-SUB | 128.2 | 137.58 | 128.34 | 113.20 | 116.00 | 137.87 | 127.98 | 114.69 | 116.38 | 137.04 | 131.88 | 112.29 | 116.63 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Caracal | 5.7 | 5.7-PS | 130.0 | 134.45 | 126.80 | 111.74 | 115.82 | 137.40 | 133.27 | 112.26 | 119.59 | 141.00 | 135.90 | 116.11 | 124.54 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Allen Engineering | AEM4-65 | 6.5mm | 6ARC-16AR | 138.7 | 146.34 | 138.34 | 126.31 | 124.53 | 145.95 | 138.97 | 126.82 | 125.79 | 146.93 | 139.43 | 126.56 | 128.29 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Lazarus 6 | 6mm | 5.56-16AR | 141.4 | 148.09 | 140.99 | 131.28 | 127.27 | 147.45 | 141.74 | 131.14 | 127.31 | 148.93 | 139.48 | 128.79 | 127.11 | 5 | 19.5 | 6.30 | 1.63 | 13.14 | GRAPHS |
Diligent Defense | Wolf Hunter | 6mm | 5.56-16AR | 133.7 | 140.28 | 131.66 | 120.74 | 119.03 | 142.44 | 135.67 | 125.16 | 122.40 | 149.33 | 142.23 | 128.02 | 129.92 | 5 | 8.9 | 7.01 | 1.6 | 14.09 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Susurrus Integral | 7mm | 7-08 | 130.7 | 137.50 | 130.36 | 105.13 | 113.40 | 137.45 | 130.96 | 104.00 | 113.08 | 130.83 | 124.04 | 98.50 | 110.72 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Mojave 9 Long | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 132.1 | 137.45 | 130.64 | 118.73 | 116.18 | 140.94 | 133.50 | 122.30 | 118.80 | 146.98 | 137.22 | 123.94 | 124.55 | 5 | 8.8 | 7.40 | 1.38 | 11.06 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite .36 | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 134.6 | 140.76 | 134.08 | 114.97 | 118.24 | 141.28 | 135.10 | 118.97 | 119.66 | 146.99 | 136.53 | 122.59 | 124.34 | 5 | 15.8 | 6.99 | 1.78 | 17.39 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Sonus Ti | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 141.7 | 145.86 | 139.65 | 126.40 | 124.70 | 149.99 | 143.84 | 129.30 | 127.96 | 147.02 | 138.61 | 124.90 | 126.46 | 5 | 5.8 | 5.06 | 1.55 | 9.54 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Sonus with Wipe | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 129.4 | 129.41 | 123.54 | 111.55 | 111.13 | 139.87 | 135.26 | 119.31 | 119.12 | 147.30 | 140.56 | 124.93 | 128.45 | 5 | 10.3 | 6.66 | 1.49 | 11.61 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Nein | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 131.9 | 137.84 | 128.52 | 118.86 | 116.16 | 141.59 | 135.23 | 123.52 | 119.76 | 148.79 | 137.99 | 125.27 | 126.54 | 5 | 11.1 | 7.35 | 1.6 | 14.77 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Lithium | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 134.6 | 140.90 | 131.94 | 120.79 | 117.83 | 142.39 | 137.19 | 124.05 | 121.24 | 148.03 | 138.24 | 125.47 | 126.25 | 5 | 7.5 | 6.35 | 1.49 | 11.07 | GRAPHS |
PTR | VSM2 | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 127.9 | 130.09 | 121.68 | 113.47 | 110.22 | 139.13 | 134.15 | 120.14 | 117.70 | 148.09 | 137.61 | 124.97 | 125.21 | 5 | 9.6 | 8 | 1.5 | 14.13 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Tatanka | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 139.8 | 145.07 | 139.22 | 122.35 | 122.30 | 146.20 | 140.34 | 122.93 | 123.79 | 145.84 | 137.18 | 124.04 | 125.67 | 5 | 14.6 | 7.59 | 1.48 | 13.05 | GRAPHS |
YHM | R9 | 9mm | .300BO-16AR-SUB | 134.5 | 141.16 | 133.11 | 120.61 | 118.96 | 143.23 | 135.98 | 122.59 | 121.06 | 146.01 | 136.46 | 122.84 | 124.65 | 5 | 10.5 | 5.49 | 1.56 | 10.49 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
FPM | Nein | 9mm | .308-20BA | 144.5 | 149.95 | 143.97 | 132.34 | 129.12 | 151.42 | 144.99 | 132.65 | 129.83 | 140.97 | 133.68 | 121.61 | 121.34 | 5 | 10.8 | 7.38 | 1.56 | 14.10 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Lithium | 9mm | .308-20BA | 141.4 | 149.05 | 141.58 | 133.06 | 129.87 | 149.02 | 141.30 | 133.28 | 129.54 | 139.24 | 132.63 | 121.95 | 121.80 | 5 | 7.5 | 6.34 | 1.5 | 11.20 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Tatanka | 9mm | .308-20BA | 148.5 | 154.73 | 148.98 | 134.65 | 133.60 | 154.42 | 148.00 | 135.38 | 133.83 | 142.71 | 135.37 | 122.80 | 123.94 | 5 | 14.8 | 7.8 | 1.48 | 13.41 | GRAPHS |
YHM | R9 | 9mm | .308-20BA | 144.3 | 150.26 | 144.29 | 133.05 | 131.96 | 151.35 | 144.30 | 134.17 | 132.31 | 142.14 | 134.19 | 121.39 | 123.50 | 5 | 10.5 | 5.5 | 1.56 | 10.51 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
FPM | Nein | 9mm | 5.56-16AR | 145.8 | 149.87 | 145.72 | 129.38 | 127.79 | 150.44 | 145.92 | 129.67 | 128.11 | 149.35 | 141.32 | 128.02 | 127.66 | 5 | 10.8 | 7.38 | 1.56 | 14.10 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Tatanka | 9mm | 5.56-16AR | 149.2 | 154.81 | 149.24 | 134.55 | 133.17 | 153.80 | 149.06 | 134.91 | 133.52 | 147.99 | 141.01 | 128.82 | 129.09 | 5 | 14.9 | 7.78 | 1.48 | 13.38 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
AAC | Illusion | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 126.4 | 133.50 | 124.73 | 112.44 | 110.55 | 134.88 | 128.14 | 112.44 | 112.12 | 136.50 | 130.66 | 107.06 | 114.52 | 5 | 9.6 | 7.76 | 1.25 | 9.52 | GRAPHS |
B&T | 9mm RBS | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 124.2 | 128.33 | 123.76 | 106.68 | 109.63 | 129.98 | 124.66 | 106.56 | 110.32 | 130.99 | 126.46 | 102.31 | 111.45 | 5 | 14.9 | 7.72 | 1.73 | 18.14 | GRAPHS |
B&T | Impuls-IIA | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 130.7 | 136.42 | 130.52 | 112.55 | 113.08 | 136.99 | 130.95 | 112.13 | 114.16 | 136.87 | 131.76 | 108.85 | 114.77 | 5 | 12.0 | 7.84 | 1.38 | 11.72 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-Impuls-OLS-M Long | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 129.2 | 136.45 | 130.04 | 112.53 | 114.02 | 135.91 | 128.43 | 112.32 | 114.23 | 133.93 | 128.54 | 108.32 | 114.84 | 5 | 8.8 | 7.57 | 1.4 | 11.65 | GRAPHS |
B&T | SD-Impuls-OLS-M Short | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 135.5 | 141.63 | 135.58 | 117.04 | 116.32 | 140.86 | 135.39 | 116.72 | 116.28 | 136.84 | 130.28 | 110.84 | 115.73 | 5 | 7.4 | 6.05 | 1.4 | 9.31 | GRAPHS |
Bare Muzzle | 9mm Pistol Bare Muzzle | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 158.7 | 162.65 | 158.54 | 138.88 | 139.03 | 163.03 | 158.83 | 139.07 | 139.14 | 157.52 | 153.01 | 136.70 | 138.79 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Mojave 9 Long | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 127.2 | 133.06 | 125.76 | 107.82 | 109.37 | 135.17 | 128.62 | 108.96 | 110.60 | 134.58 | 130.57 | 105.67 | 112.56 | 5 | 9.9 | 7.68 | 1.38 | 11.48 | GRAPHS |
Dead Air | Mojave 9 Short | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 135.1 | 141.23 | 134.87 | 116.52 | 116.10 | 141.61 | 135.30 | 116.61 | 116.96 | 139.01 | 133.04 | 109.79 | 115.58 | 5 | 8.2 | 5.93 | 1.38 | 8.87 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | Cannine | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 142.7 | 148.48 | 142.48 | 125.54 | 124.17 | 148.34 | 142.90 | 126.12 | 124.83 | 144.02 | 137.00 | 118.86 | 120.85 | 5 | 3.1 | 4.24 | 1.30 | 5.62 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | TLX | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 128.8 | 137.47 | 128.48 | 115.60 | 114.20 | 137.99 | 129.22 | 115.61 | 115.28 | 135.01 | 129.76 | 108.10 | 114.43 | 5 | 3.7 | 5.57 | 1.3 | 7.39 | GRAPHS |
ECCO | TLX 6.5in | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 125.4 | 133.97 | 124.52 | 109.84 | 111.15 | 133.37 | 126.23 | 110.13 | 112.04 | 134.66 | 129.39 | 105.29 | 112.71 | 5 | 4.8 | 6.55 | 1.3 | 8.69 | GRAPHS |
Elite Iron | Thud Lite .36 | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 125.9 | 131.65 | 123.97 | 107.97 | 111.89 | 135.45 | 127.91 | 109.00 | 113.65 | 135.31 | 132.39 | 106.61 | 118.99 | 5 | 14.8 | 7.22 | 1.78 | 17.96 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Sonus Ti | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 138.4 | 148.66 | 139.63 | 122.19 | 122.68 | 144.47 | 137.09 | 119.96 | 119.99 | 144.10 | 135.13 | 114.41 | 118.56 | 5 | 9.0 | 5.4 | 1.55 | 10.18 | GRAPHS |
Energetic | Sonus with Wipe | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 130.1 | 132.76 | 126.18 | 104.48 | 114.54 | 139.26 | 134.01 | 106.84 | 121.64 | 141.17 | 137.41 | 115.62 | 126.90 | 5 | 13.5 | 7.0 | 1.56 | 13.37 | GRAPHS |
FPM | Nein | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 131.4 | 136.79 | 130.99 | 111.47 | 114.05 | 137.43 | 131.91 | 111.59 | 116.82 | 136.39 | 134.30 | 105.04 | 122.05 | 5 | 13.4 | 7.7 | 1.6 | 15.47 | GRAPHS |
Innovative Arms | Lex | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 129.1 | 134.54 | 127.61 | 111.01 | 113.82 | 136.36 | 130.52 | 111.26 | 115.52 | 135.34 | 129.78 | 106.95 | 116.54 | 5 | 9.2 | 7.90 | 1.37 | 11.64 | GRAPHS |
Otter Creek Labs | Lithium | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 125.9 | 132.85 | 122.44 | 110.35 | 109.85 | 135.60 | 129.28 | 111.67 | 112.26 | 135.36 | 131.08 | 108.60 | 111.41 | 5 | 10.3 | 6.49 | 1.56 | 12.40 | GRAPHS |
PTR | VSM2 | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 120.1 | 125.28 | 117.19 | 102.51 | 104.88 | 128.93 | 123.03 | 104.13 | 106.76 | 132.79 | 128.04 | 106.24 | 111.01 | 5 | 10.5 | 7.97 | 1.5 | 14.08 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Obsidian 9 Long | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 125.0 | 131.32 | 123.54 | 109.95 | 109.84 | 134.05 | 126.50 | 106.47 | 110.47 | 135.15 | 129.69 | 106.96 | 113.41 | 5 | 12.6 | 8.03 | 1.38 | 12.00 | GRAPHS |
Rugged | Obsidian 9 Short | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 139.4 | 147.00 | 141.50 | 123.10 | 122.24 | 144.13 | 137.32 | 120.36 | 119.96 | 143.31 | 135.67 | 113.84 | 118.16 | 5 | 8.6 | 5.05 | 1.38 | 7.55 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Fly 9 Long | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 124.6 | 127.66 | 121.15 | 104.99 | 109.81 | 132.87 | 127.99 | 105.13 | 112.20 | 135.36 | 133.34 | 105.16 | 119.52 | 5 | 8.2 | 7 | 1.39 | 10.62 | GRAPHS |
TBAC | Fly 9 Short | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 135.4 | 140.47 | 135.40 | 117.49 | 117.00 | 140.61 | 135.46 | 117.97 | 117.39 | 138.27 | 131.67 | 109.47 | 116.40 | 5 | 5.7 | 4.4 | 1.39 | 6.67 | GRAPHS |
TION | Grenadier | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 125.8 | 129.71 | 123.42 | 106.74 | 110.66 | 133.70 | 128.18 | 106.65 | 112.88 | 134.92 | 131.60 | 107.53 | 118.40 | 5 | 10.5 | 7.38 | 1.38 | 11.03 | GRAPHS |
W.T.F. Silencers | The Tatanka | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 133.8 | 139.94 | 134.16 | 112.32 | 116.38 | 139.81 | 133.49 | 112.76 | 116.62 | 138.48 | 131.90 | 103.57 | 117.29 | 5 | 17.6 | 8.04 | 1.55 | 15.16 | GRAPHS |
YHM | R9 | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 127.2 | 132.38 | 124.70 | 107.96 | 110.88 | 135.55 | 129.71 | 109.96 | 113.62 | 137.30 | 133.41 | 109.36 | 118.07 | 5 | 13.5 | 5.79 | 1.56 | 11.06 | GRAPHS |
YHM | Sidewinder M2 | 9mm | 9mm-PS | 122.8 | 130.67 | 120.70 | 108.77 | 107.93 | 131.38 | 124.85 | 108.87 | 109.53 | 133.38 | 128.55 | 106.34 | 113.17 | 5 | 10.2 | 8.35 | 1.38 | 12.48 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
B&T | APC 9 SD Compact RBS | 9mm | APC9-SUB | 128.6 | 130.32 | 128.50 | 109.31 | 114.81 | 132.73 | 128.60 | 110.49 | 115.49 | 143.54 | 138.82 | 117.26 | 124.92 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | APC 9 SD Compact Sealed End Cap | 9mm | APC9-SUB | 130.2 | 133.17 | 130.37 | 106.91 | 116.73 | 133.80 | 130.03 | 109.58 | 116.19 | 144.49 | 140.20 | 116.53 | 126.95 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | APC 9 SD Full Size RBS | 9mm | APC9-SUB | 127.7 | 129.31 | 127.39 | 106.60 | 113.41 | 131.57 | 128.06 | 109.23 | 114.57 | 141.57 | 138.15 | 117.01 | 125.10 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | APC 9 SD Full Size Sealed End Cap | 9mm | APC9-SUB | 128.2 | 130.63 | 128.40 | 105.62 | 114.96 | 131.91 | 127.98 | 108.10 | 114.99 | 142.70 | 138.22 | 116.57 | 125.65 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | APC 9 SD Sub Compact RBS | 9mm | APC9-SUB | 132.7 | 139.59 | 133.20 | 118.01 | 116.91 | 138.29 | 132.11 | 118.14 | 116.58 | 141.29 | 135.88 | 115.31 | 122.83 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | APC 9 SD Sub Compact Sealed End Cap | 9mm | APC9-SUB | 133.3 | 138.25 | 133.71 | 114.47 | 119.57 | 138.92 | 132.88 | 114.24 | 118.72 | 146.38 | 141.47 | 117.40 | 128.56 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
MFGR | SUPPRESSOR | CAL | CART | Mil dBA AVG | ML dB | ML dBA | ML Imp dB*ms | ML Leq dBA | MR dB | MR dBA | MR Imp dB*ms | MR Leq dBA | SE dB | SE dBA | SE Imp dB*ms | SE Leq dBA | shots | wt | len | maxdia | vol.m | GRAPHS |
B&T | MP9 Compact | 9mm | MP9-SUB | 137.5 | 143.33 | 137.32 | 121.97 | 119.49 | 144.25 | 137.72 | 122.15 | 119.80 | 140.32 | 133.87 | 118.94 | 119.92 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
B&T | MP9 Full Size | 9mm | MP9-SUB | 131.3 | 137.77 | 130.87 | 116.11 | 113.58 | 137.48 | 131.72 | 116.36 | 114.20 | 141.54 | 133.96 | 113.11 | 117.95 | 5 | 0.00 | GRAPHS | |||
Bare Muzzle | MP9 Bare Muzzle | 9mm | MP9-SUB | 157.8 | 161.52 | 157.49 | 140.50 | 139.95 | 161.95 | 158.01 | 140.91 | 140.35 | 159.91 | 156.44 | 135.64 | 140.07 | 3 | 0.00 | GRAPHS |
Download here: all.csv
Note that these suppressors have all been fired, some extensively, so carbon residue may cause the measured weights to deviate from those published. In addition, "AS TESTED" means that in many cases this includes adapters and/or muzzle devices to allow them to connect to standard 5/8" barrel threasd (or other thread pitch as host-appropriate). For example, suppressors that were not direct thread had the appropriate mounts/adapters added before measurements. In the case of really nonstandard mounting setups or weird attachments used, they were documented in the suppressor name column. There is a photo of each suppressor on its "detail" page with the graph.
Supersonic crack (also known as the N-Wave) was not excluded in this analysis. Other than the windowing described in the "Experimental Setup and Procedure" section, no parts of the waveform were excluded. If you want to see what it looks like when the Peak Pressure of the run is the SS crack, look at the plot for "Magnus CB .30 on .308", For Shot 1, just after 0.05 is a peak just under 190 Pa. That is the SS crack. The second highest peak at approx 0.057 is the peak from the muzzle discharge. The following suppressors in the ".30 on .308" category have reported Peak Pressures that are due to the SS crack (or the SS crack is about equal to the discharge peak): Hydrogen L, Magnus, Nomad LT, Jolene. In this dataset, suppressors shot on 5.56 will never have their peak less than the SS crack because the action noise ("port pop") on the MK18 dominates. (This paragraph was written for the 2023 Summit results and refers to runs from that set.)
Here are two waveforms from the 2023 Summit, from the Magnus CB and the Nomad LT, where the N-wave crack dominates the peak pressure measurements with
the parts of the waveform labeled:
There are two principal reasons and one ancillary reason why:
(1) As anyone who has fired a firearm - even suppressed - inside a building or right next to a wall knows, the proximity of hard surfaces to the firearm makes a huge difference in perceived loudness and, presumably, hearing damage incurred. Shooting inside a building is a louder
experience than shooting outside in the middle of a field because of all the reflections that come back. Thus, exposure risk calculations that span from steady-state before to steady-state after the gunshot are extremely dependent upon the
local physical environment. A metric taken in the middle of an open field, or even better, one taken while suspended 20' off the ground (to prevent the ground reflections), would literally only be valid as a damage risk criterion in the exact same setup. Shooting under
a roof at a local range, shooting from next to a wall, or shooting inside a building or hallway or vehicle, would have a vastly different damage result.
(2) There is significant disagreement and/or discussion in the academic literature about the validity of various DRCs and with respect to their applicability to gunshots, see these papers as a start:
Flamme Murphy 2022 Impulsive noise DRC relationships and knowledge gaps;
Acoustic reflexes are common but not pervasive evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999 2012;
Deiters et al MEMC generalizability 2019 JASMAN_vol_146_iss_5_3993_1;
Flamme Deiters Tasko Jones 2021 Pervasiveness of early MEMC 2021-05;
Flamme Deiters Tasko Susceptibility to impulsive noise ASA December 2020;
Greene et al (2017) Stapes displacement and intracochlear pressure in response to very high level, low frequency sound ... ;
Impulse noise injury prediction based on the cochlear energy Zagadou Chan 2016 Hear ...;
Murphy-An Analysis of the Blast-NIOSH EPHB Report No 309;
Reflexes common not pervasive McGregor et al;
Tasko et al 2022 effects of unilateral eye closure on middle ear muscle contractions
(3) Given #1 and #2, it would be irresponsible to publish a metric that implies "safety" when actual damage is not known and cannot be guaranteed
Per the discussion around Figure 5, the reflectively of the ground depends on its material and composition. In that figure, from about 0.06 to about 0.067 seconds, the Leq value of the Outside waveform is higher. This is because the compacted dirt from the outside test location reflects more sound energy than the loose sand of the indoor test location. Due to the longer time it takes the "blast" to exit the suppressor (the very clear step in Figure 5), in the suppressed case, the ground reflection is now in the time window where the peak Leq is happening, so it contributes to the peak Leq, for example, Figure 8 at approx 0.0642 sec. The same logic applies to the Impulse plots. This means that for suppressed gunshots measured with this physical setup of firearm and microphones, ground reflection contributes to the peak Leq and Impulse. As a result, the same exact floor, or a floor with the exact same sound reflectivity, would be needed to reproduce the same Impulse and Leq values at another location. Note that this limitation would also apply to any damage risk criterion (DRC) or exposure metric.
Now that you've seen how they differ in time, here is an example how that action noise contributes to the peak Leq value, using the Magnus on 5.56 vs. the Magnus on 308:
Magnus shot on MK18 5.56, peak Leq 127.03 (shot 1)
Magnus shot on bolt .308, peak Leq 111.94 (shot 1)
As you can tell from the table, when testing gun, cartridge, and suppressor combinations, the number of tests gets big fast. We tested primarily .308 from a bolt gun and 5.56 from a 16" AR-15 to use a common standardized setup for each suppressor to limit the total number of tests to something we could get done in five days while everyone was on-site. Another goal was to have as much data as directly-comparable as possible.
On a few tests, we did not realize that one of the shots didn't trigger correctly until we started post-analysis. Instead of throwing out those tests, we just ran the averages with the 4 shots and then annotated the number of shots in a column of the data.
Due to a last-minute rifle malfunction with our usual .22 host, we have to switch to a Volquartsen Summit .22 rifle. This rifle exhibits a specific sound pulse that appears only at Shooter's Ear (SE) at just before 0.048 sec (when using the normal suppressed trigger conditions) that is only present in roughly half the tests/shots. This only affects the SE number and confused the SE dB and SE dBA columns the most.
For example, the El Jefe and Abel PI have a "Mil dBA AVG" (average of mil-left and mil-right dBA) of 114.6 and 114.7 respectively -- or almost the exact same. Their ML LEq is almost the same (97.7 vs 96.66) too. However, at SE dBA, they are reported at 122.94 and 119.46 respectively-- a pretty large difference. This difference is solely due to the rifle-created harmonic discussed above.
El Jefe plot- the big spike is the rifle harmonic.
Not visible in the Abel PI
The pulse is even visible in the unsuppressed shots (the "smaller" pulse at approx 0.051-- timing is different because of triggering on unsuppressed shots)-
Here's another example on the Ocelot.
As a result, it is probably best to ignore the SE numbers for this run of .22's. We plan to get a different host that is fully "dead" with regard to harmonics and then re-test these suppressors in the future. We apologize for not catching this during the Summit.
function [B,A] = adsgn(Fs); % ADSGN Design of a A-weighting filter. % [B,A] = ADSGN(Fs) designs a digital A-weighting filter for % sampling frequency Fs. Usage: Y = FILTER(B,A,X). % Warning: Fs should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example, % Fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter. % % Requires the Signal Processing Toolbox. % % See also ASPEC, CDSGN, CSPEC. % Author: Christophe Couvreur, Faculte Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium) % % Last modification: Aug. 20, 1997, 10:00am. % References: % [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996. pkg load signal % Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672. f1 = 20.598997; f2 = 107.65265; f3 = 737.86223; f4 = 12194.217; A1000 = 1.9997; pi = 3.14159265358979; NUMs = [ (2*pi*f4)^2*(10^(A1000/20)) 0 0 0 0 ]; DENs = conv([1 +4*pi*f4 (2*pi*f4)^2],[1 +4*pi*f1 (2*pi*f1)^2]); DENs = conv(conv(DENs,[1 2*pi*f3]),[1 2*pi*f2]); % Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter. [B,A] = bilinear(NUMs,DENs,1/Fs);download link
function Leq=Leq_fast(sig,fs,tau,type) %function Leq=Leq_fast(sig,fs,tau,type) %Computes running rms-average of signal sig, sampled with sample rate sr %tau is the integration time in seconds %Default value for tau is 125 ms %Kernel is either exponential decay (default, and type ='exponetial', or %rectangular (type = 'rectangular') %output is an array of the same size as the input. %Aarhus University, Jakob Tougaard and Kristian Beedholm, Jan. 2018 %Shared under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0 (share alike) %10x tau before impulse to start at 0 if size(sig,1)==1 %Flip input if horizontal array sig=sig'; horizontal=true; else horizontal=false; end if nargin<3 tau=0.125; %default value 125 ms end if nargin<4 %default type is exponential type='e'; end L=floor(fs*tau); %Time constant in samples if type(1)=='r' %rectangular kernel if L>length(sig) error('Signal must be longer than tau') else w=[ones(L,1);zeros(length(sig)-L,1)]; end else %exponential kernel if L*5>length(sig) error('Signal must be longer than five times tau') else w=exp(-(0:length(sig)-1)/(tau*fs))'; end end %convolution) Leq=real(sqrt((ifft(fft(sig.^2).*fft(w)))/L)); if horizontal %flip output back to horizontal if input is a horizontal array Leq=Leq'; enddownload link
% -*- octave -*- % (C) COPYRIGHT 2023 THUNDER BEAST ARMS CORP ALL RIGHTS RESERVED function [pass] = process_string_flat(Num_Shots,fn, mic_name, mfgr_name, can_name, run_name, cal_name, cart_name) % You will need the following packages installed to run this: octave octave-signal % e.g. apt-get install octave octave-signal % % PARAMETERS: % Num_Shots number of shots in this string % fn input filename for this run, e.g. "Shot 1/Time Group_Expanded Time(Mil Left) - Input.dat' % mic_name microphone name, e.g. SE, ML, 225 % mfgr_name manufacturer name for reporting % can_name suppressor name for reporting % run_name "run name" or "series name", e.g. Day3 % cal_name caliber of suppressor % cart_name cartridge name (or cartridge+gun identifier) % % run from base directory that contains the "Shot [0-9]" directories % for example, % octave -p "/path/to/dot-m-files" --no-gui -H --eval "process_string(5, \"Time Group_Expanded Time(225 Deg ASA) - Input.dat\", \"225\", \"Aero Precision\", \"Lahar-30K\", \"Day3\", \".30\", \"5.56\")" % % where /path/to/dot-n-files is where you put this file, adsgn.m, and Leq_fast.m % % Before you run this, you will need to take all the "Time Group_Expanded Time*.txt" files and trim all the text out of the % header and footer, just leaving the raw numerical data. E.g. remove everything up to but not including % 1 0.0000000000e+00 5.59023e-03 % and everthing after the last numerical line (typically something like "131072 4.9999618981e-01 8.42261e-01") % starting with TagsBegin: to the end of the file. % For each corresponding .txt file, create a .dat file that is truncated as described above. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Edit these only Time_Start=.001; % Short=0; cart_name; if (strncmp(".22", cart_name,3)==1) Short=1; % .22LR needs a different interval to prevent trigger problems endif ArrayLimit=75000; Time_Stop=.125; if (Short==1) Time_Stop=0.100; ArrayLimit=26000; endif Time_Stop; Leq_Width=.025;%How long after shot starts to measure Peak_STOP=.075;%end of peak window, time after shot %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %End edit area %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 26000 P_0=20*10^-6; %Absolute Pressure in Pa FS=262144; %Sample rate Tau=.010; %Leq time step Leq_Width=Leq_Width*1000; %Get rid of ms [B, A]=adsgn(FS); %Get filter parameters ofb=sprintf("Results_%s.txt", mic_name); file_id=fopen(ofb,'w'); Peak_Sum=0; Imp_Sum=0; A_Peak_Sum=0; A_Leq_Peak_Sum=0; Shot=1; fprintf(file_id, "SERIES: %s\n", run_name); fprintf(file_id, "CAN: %s %s (%s on %s)\n", mfgr_name, can_name, cal_name, cart_name); fprintf(file_id, "MIC: %s\n", mic_name); fprintf(file_id, "NUMBER OF SHOTS: %d\n", Num_Shots); fprintf(file_id, 'Sample rate 262144 Hz \n'); fprintf(file_id, 'Start Time %.3f s, End Time %.3f s \n', Time_Start, Time_Stop); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak Leq(10ms) window width of %.1f ms \n\n', Leq_Width); while Shot<(Num_Shots+1) %Read in data filename = sprintf('%s%i.dat', fn, Shot); filename_leq = sprintf('%s%i.dat.leq', fn, Shot); filename_imp = sprintf('%s%i.dat.imp', fn, Shot); M=load("-ascii",filename); X1=M(1:ArrayLimit,2:2); T_Start=round(Time_Start/X1(2)); T_Stop=round(Time_Stop/X1(2)); %Parse down the string to analysis window X=M(T_Start:T_Stop,2:2); Y=M(T_Start:T_Stop,3:3); X=X*1000; %convert times to msec X_50=round(.05*FS); DT=X(2)-X(1); %Find time step Q=cumtrapz(X,Y); %Integrate pressure curve Peak_Stop_ROW=round(Peak_STOP*FS);%Initial window convert from sec to row number [Min_Q, Imp_Stop_ROW2]=min(Q(1:Peak_Stop_ROW)); %Find min impulse and set impulse window [Max_Q, X_of_Max_Q]=max(Q(1:Imp_Stop_ROW2)); %Find max impulse using the dynamic window T_Max_Q=X(X_of_Max_Q); %Find time of max impulse dB_Max_Q=20*log10(Max_Q/P_0); %Convert max impulse from Pa-msec to dB-msec Y_A = filter(B,A,Y); %Apply A weight filter to raw data [Max_Y_A, X_of_Y_A_Max]=max(Y_A(1:Peak_Stop_ROW)); %Find peak A-weighted within window Y_A_dB_Max=20*log10(Max_Y_A/P_0); %Convert Peak A-weighted from Pa to dB T_Y_A_Max=X(X_of_Y_A_Max); %Find time of peak A-weighted Leq_Start_ROW=find(Y>1.);%finds everytime relative Pressure is positive Leq_Start1_ROW=Leq_Start_ROW(1); %Finds the first time relative Pressure is positive Leq_Stop_ROW=Leq_Start1_ROW+(round(Leq_Width*FS/1000)); %Set LEQ analysis window Leq_Start_T=X(Leq_Start1_ROW); %Converts from Row to time Leq_Stop_T=Leq_Start_T+Leq_Width; %Defines the end of the window in time Leq_A_Y=Leq_fast(Y_A,FS,Tau,'rectangular'); %Calculates LEQ Leq_AdB_Y = 20*log10(abs(Leq_A_Y)/P_0); %Converts LEQ to dB LEQOUT = [ X(Leq_Start1_ROW:end)/1000 Leq_AdB_Y(Leq_Start1_ROW:end) ]; % converts back to seconds for consistency save("-ascii", filename_leq, "LEQOUT" ); IMPOUT = [ X(1:end)/1000 Q(1:end) ]; % converts back to seconds for consistency save("-ascii", filename_imp, "IMPOUT" ); Leq_Max_Pa=max(Leq_A_Y(Leq_Start1_ROW:Leq_Stop_ROW)); %Finds max LEQ [Leq_MaxdB, Leq_Max_ROW]=max(Leq_AdB_Y(Leq_Start1_ROW:Leq_Stop_ROW)); %Finds the Row position of max LEQ Leq_Max_ROW=Leq_Max_ROW+Leq_Start1_ROW; Leq_Max_T=X(Leq_Max_ROW); %Converts position of max LEQ to time [Max_Y, Y_Max_ROW]=max(Y(1:Peak_Stop_ROW)); %Finds peak pressure dB_Max_Y=20*log10(Max_Y/P_0); %Converts peak to dB Y_Max_T=X(Y_Max_ROW); %Finds time of peak dB fprintf(file_id, "Shot %d\n", Shot); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak of gas flow at %.2f Pa (%.2f dB) at t=%.2f ms \n', Max_Y, dB_Max_Y, Y_Max_T); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak impulse of %.2f Pa*ms (%.2f dB*ms) at t=%.2f ms \n', Max_Q, dB_Max_Q, T_Max_Q); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak A-Weighted dB of %.2f dB at t=%.2f ms\n',Y_A_dB_Max, T_Y_A_Max); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak A-Weighted Leq of %.2f dB at t=%.2f ms\n', Leq_MaxdB, Leq_Max_T); fprintf(file_id, 'Leq window of %.2f ms to %.2f ms\n', Leq_Start_T, Leq_Stop_T); fprintf(file_id, "\n\n"); Peak_Sum=Peak_Sum+Max_Y; Imp_Sum=Imp_Sum+Max_Q; A_Peak_Sum=A_Peak_Sum+Max_Y_A; A_Leq_Peak_Sum=A_Leq_Peak_Sum+Leq_Max_Pa; Shot=Shot+1; end %Calculates and outputs averages Peak_Avg=Peak_Sum/Num_Shots; Peak_Avg_dB=20*log10(Peak_Avg/P_0); Imp_Avg=Imp_Sum/Num_Shots; Imp_Avg_dB=20*log10(Imp_Avg/P_0); A_Peak_Avg_dB=20*log10((A_Peak_Sum/Num_Shots)/P_0); A_Leq_Peak_Avg_dB=20*log10((A_Leq_Peak_Sum/Num_Shots)/P_0); fprintf(file_id, "\n"); fprintf(file_id, "SUMMARY---\n"); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak of gas flow at %.2f Pa (%.2f dB) \n', Peak_Avg, Peak_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak impulse of %.2f Pa*ms (%.2f dB*ms) \n', Imp_Avg, Imp_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak A Weighted Average of %.2f dB \n', A_Peak_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, 'Peak A Weighted Leq Average of %.2f dB \n', A_Leq_Peak_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, "\n\n\n"); fprintf(file_id, "PEAK_UNWEIGHTED_PA: %.2f Pa\n",Peak_Avg); fprintf(file_id, "PEAK_UNWEIGHTED_DB: %.2f dB\n",Peak_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, "PEAK_A_WEIGHTED_DB: %.2f dB(A)\n",A_Peak_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, "PEAK_IMPULSE_UNWEIGHTED_PAMS: %.2f Pa*ms\n",Imp_Avg); fprintf(file_id, "PEAK_IMPULSE_UNWEIGHTED_DB: %.2f dB*ms\n",Imp_Avg_dB); fprintf(file_id, "PEAK_LEQ_10MS_A_WEIGHTED_DB: %.2f dB\n",A_Leq_Peak_Avg_dB); fclose('all'); endfunction % enddownload link
Any inquiries regarding this dataset can be sent to
This document and its presentation, along with the linked graphs, are © COPYRIGHT 2024 THUNDER BEAST ARMS CORPORATION (TBAC), ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, and may not be reproduced without written permission from TBAC.
The raw data itself, that is, the numbers in the above tables, the CSV file, and PULSE-generated waveform file (".txt") are available for anyone to use, provided that the data is footnoted to have come from the 2024 SILENCER SUMMIT.