The THUNDER BEAST DATA BOOK will revolutionize how you keep and use a sniper databook or long-range shooting databok. Our Simplified Density Altitude - Sniper Data Book [SDA-SDB] was designed with several goals in mind:

(1) Transform data logging from discrete events with an associated set of environmental parameters (altitude, temperature, humidity, etc) to a single lookup using the concept of Density Altitude;
(2) Reduce the size, bulk, and weight of the databook compard to conventional databooks that are hundreds of pages by using the MERS (MULTI-ENVIRONMENT REWRITE SYSTEM) permanent/erasable "paper".
(3) Provide baseline data good enough to hit man-sized targets at 1000 yards in any conditions, using the supported military cartridges;
(4) Make the databook into a "work book" to guide acquisition and verification of ballistic data;
(5) Provide "hasty" hold, wind, and lead formulas that are easy to remember and use in the field;

The Simplified Density Altitude - Sniper Data Book is a joint venture between THUNDER BEAST ARMS CORPORATION, GUERILLA TACTICAL, DEMIGOD LLC, and MIR/THULS.

The SDA-SDB is the result of combining the best information and modern methods from war fighters, military sniper instructors, and civilian long-range shooters, then combining it with the MIR/THULS field handbook technology.

This databook is modular. Buy it for your standard caliber, .308 Winchester (7.62 NATO), and then simply add modules for additional cartridges. Right now the two military standard .300 Win Mag loadings, Mk 248 Mod 0 and Mod 1, are available as plug-in modules. In the coming months, we will make available additional military and civilian long-range calibers. Additionally, any of the MIR/THULS products based on the same 3-ring page size can be addd to your databook.


Base Databook

Plug-in Module
Book ships with metal Snap Rings


Material MIR MERS Permanent Rewritable Pages
Origin Made and printed in the USA
Base Cartridge .308 WIN; M118LR, 175 SMK, 2650 fps
Includes Density altitude reference; data cards in yards and meters; quick-hold formulas; lead formulas; known-distance data pages; shot/call pages; cold-bore data pages; unknown-distance data pages; range card pages
Optional Plug-in Modules
Mk 248 Mod 0 .300 Win Mag: 190gr SMK 3000 fps
2.25" scope over bore
Mk 248 Mod 1 .300 Win Mag: 220gr SMK 2950 fps
2.25" scope over bore
Price Base book: $79.95 + S/H
Plug-in modules, $49.95 + S/H
Shipping for web orders is $8.65 for the first item and $4.33 for each subsequent item, for most products. Shipping cost on external thread protectors and extra peel washers is less. Bipods are more.

About Our Databook

The problem with most so called "Sniper Data Books" is that they were developed for use in high power rifle competitions conducted on manicured lawns with firing points that only allow for shots in 100 yard increments. They are recreations of the same data books that recruits get in basic training and end up being overstuffed with useless information. In order to reference a certain weather condition, altitude, temperature or environment you would first have to spend years of time shooting in every environment under all conditions. In today's military the chances of you having the same weapon, the same lot of ammo and same optic in that time are very slim. The actual battlefield is filled with ballistic problems at distances that are unknown and occur at random intervals, inclines and speeds.

This data book addresses these problems by giving the Sniper a true modular system that is organized by DENSITY ALTITUDE (DA), which is an "effective altitude" derived from the actual air density instead of the actual distance from sea level. When used correctly, modern-day ballistic programs are accurate enough to get hits on man sized targets out to a mile. This alleviates the need to keep countless pages of useless data, even if you actually finish filling out its pages for every possibly combination of conditions.

DENSITY ALTITUDE is a single number that incorporates all aspects that determine air density. Instruments such as the Kestrel 4000 and 4500 can measure and display the current DENSITY ALTITUDE directly (usually abbreviated as "DENS ALT" on the unit). If you do not have one of these units, the DENSITY ALTITUDE can be accurately estimated using the enclosed DENSITY ALTITUDE CHART. Use your altitude above sea level (from map or GPS) and the current air temperature to index into the chart to get the current DENSITY ALTITUDE.

DENSITY ALTITUDE (DA) on our chart is color coded. The DENSITY ALTITUDE pages and CONFIRMED DATA pages are color coded to match the range of matching DA's on the quick-reference table. These ranges are set up so that the point of impact will be within 2 MOA of the point of aim as long as you are using the book section that matches the actual DENSITY ALTITUDE - regardless of environment. The first page for each DENSITY ALTITUDE section has a set of nominal data that should be close enough to make hits on man-size targets or "get you on paper."

You will find that if you train year around on your home range, even though that you never change altitude, you will be able to collect data for other DA's higher or lower than your actual position. Log this information in the confirmed data section for that DA. Once you have confirmed data for all color sections of this book, your data collection and confirmation is complete. You now have a real hard copy to transfer to your ballistic software or any PDA.

The material this book is printed on is erasable and impervious to weather and human blood. This means that you no longer need to carry a big, heavy data book with you to the field. You will find that the standard section page is a format that you are familiar with: a KD page. If your training for that day is a KD course of fire, transfer a page for each yard line you will shoot into the days current DA section. Shoot the KD course and at the end of your training transfer the data you collected into the "CONFIRMED DATA" section. Clean off the pages and return them to the sections they came from. If you find yourself shooting a qualification course that is a nontraditional format with odd intervals, use the grid on the back of the KD sheets to make a range card and again record your confirmed data in the "CONFIRMED DATA" section.

Lastly, we have provided you with a couple of formulas that are easy to remember and will get you hits on man sized targets out to 1000 meters with math any shooter can do quickly in his head and under pressure. Good luck out there!



Page Characteristics: The page provides a highly durable, re-writable, non-reflective, weatherproof and waterproof page, specifically developed for effective field use. The paper replacement is a plastic material with preprinted text embedded in the surface. This page is designed for use with a special writing ink and solvent combination. The writing ink applied to the surface is permanent (will not smudge or be removed with water) until removed from the surface with the solvent, leaving the surface prepared to write on again; a process which can be repeated an indefinite number of times.

Permanent Marking Pens: From its inception, the THULS was conceived for use with the map pen most commonly used and most readily available to the US Military - the Staedtler Lumocolor permanent map pen. Correction Pen: The Staedtler Correction pen is used to make minor corrections during the information recording process. Additionally, permanent Ultra Fine Point Sharpie pens are just as effective as military map pens.

Correction Fluid: The correction fluid provides a means for an effective and relatively simple method of removing the user's recorded information. It is contained in a small bottle, held inside the cover along with the other THULS elements. The correction fluid is an alcohol based solution with high quality isopropyl alcohol (90% +) providing the best erasing capability. As with the pens, the correction fluid is also readily available to users.

The methodology for the THULS begins with the collection of information on a particular area of expertise from all available sources of information: field manuals, standard operating procedures, formal instructional curriculum, and of course, combat experience. Once the information has been collected it is then strained to eliminate all non-pertinent information and then organized into concise, usable formats through a process called ODS (Organization Doctrine Synthesis). It is important to make the distinction that the THULS is not a "how to" training manual, rather a reference guide for tactical execution.