Hello everyone and welcome to 2023!
Most of our office staff is going to be manning our booth at SHOT Show to take orders and answer product questions. Our main office in Cheyenne WY will have a skeleton crew. As a result, your calls during this week are likely to go to voicemail and it will take longer than normal to get back to you via email. If you need to contact us and are not at SHOT, please either email us or call and leave a voicemail. We will get back to you, but it might take 24-48 hours.
If you are attending SHOT, please come see us at booth 72905. We are right next to Mile High Shooting in the new CAESAR’S FORUM building, just south of the Venetian.
On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY from 4:00-5:00pm, Mile High Shooting and TBAC are hosting “Hospitality Hour” with free bottled beer for our friends and customers. Please stop by and enjoy one on the house!
At SHOT 2023, we are announcing HUB versions of the ULTRA 5, ULTRA 7, ULTRA 9, and DOMINUS. These have the exact same specs as the CB versions, except they are a few tenths of an ounce lighter, and can utilize all known/tested HUB mounting interfaces (1.375x24tpi). We will start accepting orders for these starting Tuesday morning at 830 AM PST.
We will also have the FLY 45 which was announced last month. This 45 suppressor has great suppression performance while being 25-50 percent lighter than its competitors. It is also rated for .45-70, .223, .308, and many similar rifle calibers (not magnums).
Finally, although we are not accepting orders quite yet, we have our new .50 BMG suppressor to show and get feedback. The design criteria for this suppressor was that we could “shoot it all day” and have the recoil be manageable and that we could do so wearing only “crummy earplugs.” Our design is modular, with a base suppressor body (just over 15″), an additional module (adds about 4″), and then an approx 3.5″ muzzle brake on the far end of the suppressor. This gives 4 possible configurations (short with flat cap, short with brake, long with flat cap, and long with brake). When configured to a similar length as other .50 cans, it is lighter and quieter. In the quietest configuration, the shooter’s ear dB from the muzzle blast is under 130 dB. With the long configuration and the brake, it’s still in the low to mid 130 dB range at the shooter’s ear and the recoil is significantly reduced. For those of you who have shot .50, this means from a prone position the crosshairs might only drift off your point of aim a few feet when shooting at 300 yards, and you can spot the entire event through the scope. Youtube video of a 10-round endurance cycle — or is it a .50BMG PRS stage? We expect to formally announce this suppressor this summer and start taking orders at that time.